:D Pt 2

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•••••••• 7 YEARS LATER•••••••

She sat by the window, watching, as the car drove into the drive way. A small smile spread on her face. "Mum! Gal's here!" she called. She pondered into the kitchen and sat on a stool, starting to shake and sweat. Stay calm, deeo breaths, she thought to herself. A knock from the front door echoed throught to the kitchen. Jumping off her stool she skipped to the door, a smile prominant on her face. She opened the door, nervous as hell. "Amy, hey!" Gal spoke as he wrapped his arm around the waist, of what Amy presumed was, his wife. "Come in," Amy muttered as she opened the door wide and stepped to the side, calling for her mum at the same time. Her mother rushed to them, cheery "hellos" and all where shared all around and Amy wandered back to her room, back to the computer, as always.

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