Guardian Angels

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Life is full of an unpredictable series of events, and though we always try to guess what's coming next, we can't. We might get lucky and guess right a few times, but most of the times, it twists and slips away like a fish from the hand of a novice Fisherman.

Lailah had a million crazy yet beautiful dreams of how her wedding was going to be,  but sadly, they all missed the target.  After the incident many years ago, her life was never the same again, especially not when life burdened her with a responsibility of being a mother at an early age.

Since then she thought that she had lost the right to dream of love and she thought that she had kissed a happy life goodbye forever. But then life took a turn and she moved from Westlake city to Suncity, she left her family behind and went to her aunt, her eternal guardian angel. She was always there for Lailah, she supported her like a mother and a friend. She was Lailah's confidant until the very day she succumbed to the circle of death.

Lailah felt defeated,  heartbroken, and deserted by fate. Just when loneliness and sadness conspired to drag her into eternal doom, God sent her two guardian angels. One with a smaller hand, soft cheeks and a magical smile, that was Aliyah. The other had a masculine voice, he was more like a brother and they lived together for years. When the dark days came he was there to light torch.

She decided to keep pushing for the sake of her child, she became her motivation, her inspiration, her strength and her reason to survive.

Today after so many years, the eve of her wedding day finally came to visit and i must admit, that it had been nothing but a generous visitor. It brought gifts of family, friends and well wisher. It had brought in a tornado of happiness, raging right beside a sea of excitement, and an everlasting love that fills hearts with joy and contentment.

Lailah who came to this city as a young lady, now stared back to her reflection in a mirror, she is a grown lady now. Just when she was admiring the woman she had become, a knock on the door announced the presence of someone there.

"Come in" She said turning to look at her guest.

"Father, Mother, it is you. Please come in" She said as she took a hurried step towards them.

They walked in with their arms crossed, one would think that they are being romantic, but no, the wife was simply supporting her husband.

"Thank you" He said.

Lailah sat on a prayer mat spread on the floor right beside them such that they sat on the bed at a position higher than her, she did so out of respect. Though her father wanted to make her sit up, he knew that she would never do so.

"Tomorrow is your wedding day" He said.

"Hmp" She nodded without looking up unless, they would see the embracement that painted her face red.

"When you were a child, you would often ask me if guardian angels existed in human form and I would always answer with a no, telling you that angels exist only in heavens. Even if you ask me now, my answer would still be the same, because i  am as stubborn as a dumb donkey"

Both Lailah and her mother had a gentle laugh, I mean who would compare himself to a donkey?

"You both know that i am stubborn" He too laughed until his laughter turned to coughs.

"I will get you some water" Lailah said.

"No, you sit. I will get the water" her mother said. She then went to get a glass of water for him.

At the time she came back with the water the father and daughter were having a hearty conversation.

"My child, humans are not angels and they will never be. But then, there are a few a mankind that come into our lives and, they do what the angels do and so we call them guardian angels.
I was supposed to be your guardian angel, but I left you alone when you needed me the most. That choice took away my right to be your guardian angel and i will forever be ashamed of myself for choosing that path."

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