Destiny, Time and I.

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"Mommã where is your phone? My Great uncle said he had been calling you for a while" Aliyah said, she then handed over her phone to Laila who had been sitting outside with for a while.

"Good afternoon brother" She said on recieving the call.

"Good afternoon Lailah, how are you doing?"

"I am fine, how is everyone at home"

"They are all fine. Father wants to talk to you"

"Okay, give him the phone"

"Good afternoon father" She said with a softer tone.

"Good afternoon dearest, how are you doing"

"All praise to Allah, i am fine father. How is your health"

"I am getting younger by the day, don't worry about me. I wanted to talk to you concerning your marriage"

"Okay father, i am listening"

"I was thinking of holding the wedding earlier than planned. I..." His statement was cut short by a number of coughs.

"Sorry" Lailah said.

"Thank you. Like i was saying, i would like the wedding to hold in two weeks time, that is if both of you agreed"

"Well father, we have no complains. Its okay by us. Even next week will be okay by me"

"Hhh, are you sure about that?" He said excitidely. He wanted to shift the wedding to next week, but then he tought the couple too needed sometime to prepare, so he said two weeks.

"I am sure father"

"Consult Tariq on this, there is no need to make hasty decision."

"He is right beside me father, the look on his face tells me he would agree even if you chose tomorrow as our wedding day. So, i did not make the decision alone"
She lied, but she was confident that Tariq would agree to her decision.

"Okay then, next week it is, stay blessed my child."

"You too father"

"So, you only care about your daughter" Aliyah's words slyly sneaked into the phone.

"Ooh, little one, i would not dare forget about you"

Don't be suprised, he calls Aliyah with little one too, just like Tariq. It's not a coincidence, he picked it up from Tariq when they last visited West lake city.

"You better not" Aliyah said, placing the phone on speaker. "I heard you became a pro at driving wheel chair"

"Wait until you see me perform a flip" he replied.

"Aaaaah! You will take me out for a drive." Aliyah said.

"Who would refuse a beautiful maiden like you?"

"Look..." She said pouting her lips "You just made me blush"

He started laughing but then it changed into an inceasant cough, the phone call had to end.

"We will talk later on the arrangements" Laila's brother said before hastily ending the call.

"Have your medicine father" He said handing over two pills to his father.

"I don't have to, i am tired of taking them, i will die anyway." The old man said.

"I will call mom if you don't take your pills" The son threathened with a saddened voice and a tear filled eyes. They all knew that their father will soon die, but why does he have to throw it at his face.

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