Without you!

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Aliyah sat under a beautiful tree, her eyes fixed on her note as she guided the pen to ink her words. In her imaginative mind Sameer sat beside her, staring like he always does. His lips curved upward giving birth to a radiant smile that adorned his face same way the cresent moon adorn the night sky.
Aliyah smiled back at him as she wrote.

"Dear you whom i love the most, i know you are there wondering how my life feels without you. Well, if letters do reach heaven then, this is me telling you how it feels.
Without you my world have turned black and white, it's like the rainbow packed its travel bag forgetting to pick up all other colors except the black and white.
Without you the birds sing no more, it's like they woke up one morning and they couldn't find their voices, or alas they forgot the lyrics of the happy songs and so, they chose silence.
Without you the wind lost its touch, and i watched the oceans drown and die.
And Without you, hours feel like days as days feel like years, for you were the essence of time.
This life doesn't feel real and i keep thinking that it's just another nightmare, i keep hoping that you will wake me up from my sleep.
It saddens me but, without you my heartbeats doesn't feel like mine, it sounds just like an echo, a reverberation in an empty room.
And if all this doesn't explain it enough, imagine the feeling of waking up without the sun,
Only for the day to get lost in the night leaving you to a dark nightsky without the moon, without the stars without a glimpse of hope, without a glimpse of light.
Or, Let me say it in our way, i am a rose and you my sun,
without you i shall wilt and die.
What then happens to the butterflies?
It's hard but without you i have to survive, without you i have to smile, I'll have to live and I'll do it just for you.

Dear love, I'd like to meet you in a place where the clocks don't tick,
A place where love forever lives
And there at the dawn of forever, i will embed my soul in yours same way the stars are embedded in the sky.
And then, we shall never part...

Same way one blows a kiss, Aliyah blew her words to the wind, hoping it delivers the message to her beloved. She then closed her diary and lied face up on the grass, the beauty of the tree came to her view.

Squinting her eyes, Aliyah observed the tree with keen interest, not just like a normal being but as a botanist that she is.

"So you do have fruits" Aliyah said on noticing a fruit.

She stood up and, then she jumped up trying to pluck one of the fruits from the tree. Sadly, she didn't jump high enough.

She took few steps back and then leaped forward with full force, and yes, she got one of the fruits.

"There is something different about this fruit, it smells good" she said.

Placing the fruit in-between her thumb and index finger, she pressed hard on the fruit. The fruit cried as it let out painful tears, i just mean to say a milky liquid came out.
Out of curiosity she tasted it, a choice she wish she never made.

"Ptuhhh" she quickly spitted it out as soon as it touched her taste buds.

"You should have known it's bitter" A somewhat familiar voice reached Aliyah's ear.

"Oh!" Aliyah slowly turned towards the source of the voice.

"Sir!" She exclaimed in a suprised tone.

"I never expected to find you spending the weekend here" the man replied.

"Well, sir..."

"Please no need to be formal, call me sir only in the office"

"Sorry, but What do i call you then?"

"Call me by name" He said. Putting up an emotionless smile that died as soon as it came. One could hardly call it a smile.

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