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Author's Note: Point of view(Pov) means the story is being told from the perspective of the indicated character.

Authors Pov: i  love You all😊💖✍️
Now enjoy
It was a sunny morning, actually a Sunday morning. The sun rose up quite energetic and ready for the day. As for the adventurers this was the last day of their camping adventure.
Today their schedule was to visit the National museum, don't be decieved by the name, this museum is rated 4th in the world , it houses many pieces of history which time itself seems to have forgotten About.

Two buses parked at a reserved area of the national museum, Aliyah came down from her bus stretching her arms for a bit, she looked around only to see Sameer coming down from the other bus, quickly the smile she wore vanished as she looked away. Making their way to the reception, they sawa
couple of historical statues stood tall portraying valor, honor, grace and the aura of the people they represent.

The museum was a four storey building, with securities posted all over the place making it a close to impossible task to steal or break in.
When they got into the reception hall, they were received by a tall, slender beautiful woman. Dressed in a sky blue suit, her long black hair rested calmly on her back, she squinted her ocean blue eyes putting on a beautiful smile, she greeted and welcomed them.

"It's my pleasure to give you a tour of this unique pieces of history" She said.

The ground floor was meant for reception while The first floor was stuffed with many works of arts which includes famous paintings, vases, artifacts hand written poems, and pieces of records displayed in show glasses. The gallery was indeed worth watching, one could have wished to click some pictures if not for the no camera signs pasted on the wall. Their beautiful guide took time to tell them about some of the most important arts but there were just too much to explore at Least in thousands.

The tour was progressing smoothly, an hour later they were already at the next floor. As much as she enjoyed the tour, Aliyah was feeling a mild headache, so she excused herself and went back to the ground floor.

Meanwhile, Cathy made her way to Sameer.

"Hello" she greeted

"Hi" Sameer answered back.

"I need to talk to you"


"You were right!" She admitted

"About what?" He quizzed

"My feelings, i misunderstood my attraction to you. I thought about it all night, and perhaps i felt secure with you as a brother because that was what i needed the most. I misunderstood my feelings and, now i know it wasn't love and i am sorry for what happened yesterday"

And so it is sometimes, we ought to misunderstand our own feelings, may be that girl or that boy you tought you love was just another crush. May be, it was just an admiration of character, a feeling of security and happiness.
Have you ever thought of it that alas happiness comes not only from love? Because the heart can habour many a different feelings that are similar or close to love, but yet they are not love.
You'll know love when you feel it, you will identify it when you see it. Until then, do not confuse any other feeling for love.

Sameer was glad to hear what Cathy just said, he has been stressed over it, but not anymore.
"Hey, it's okay. I am glad you could figure out your feelings. I always treated you like a little sister because i always felt like a brother to you. I am sorry to have misled your fragile heart, and if i wasn't too shy i would have given you a hug right now" He said

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