Time Heals...

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Under a tree at the specialist hospital sat a group of people. Taking a closer look one would see Dr. Claire adressing the group. The group is a family of therapy mates, they always shared their stories of pain, successes, failures and fears, all in hope for an ounce of relief or a way out of their predicaments. But some of the people in the group have extraodinarily learnt to overcome the obstacles life throws at them, so they come in to help others navigate the storms of pain. They share experiences, mkre like a map that guides one of the chaotic seas and strorms of life.

A skinny oldman stood from his sit as it was his turn to speak. The gentle breeze bulged his over sized shirt like a baloon.

"Even the wind laughs at my shirt" he said "I hope it does't carry me away like it did my wife"

He stayed quite and admired the resounding laughter, he always made them laugh. When the laughter quited down, he continued to speak.

"I was a born smoker, i bet that i smoked even in my mothers womb. But then the monster i reared grew up to consume me and it did burn me. how bad? My lungs blackened, ashened and began to fail, it was that bad.
The doctors said i had less than a year to live. I was scared to my bones, the damn doctor made me pee in my new tuxedo pants that day. Well, i was frustrated at the tought of dying and it took a toll on me, my life knew no peace. My whole life began to fall apart, the only thing that remained was my wife. She stood by me through thick and thin, until three months into my deadline..." The oldman scoffed into a silence which gave way for a funny yet painful sigh.

"Oneday Death came visiting, i think the angels were sent to take me. But she bribed them with a smile and they took her instead. I was supposed to go first but, she always said ladies first,  and so she raced me to the after life.
I was heartbroken and i turned to the burning sticks as i drowned in the smoke of my pain, i became sick at heart and sick at lungs. My doctor told me that i had less time, but he never knew that had lesser time. He died too and i buried my last ciggarate with him. Smoke in heaven, i told him. You see time is something we all don't have, but they keep telling you that time heals. Yes time heals but that's not the complete statement. Time heals, but only if you let it. So, You are your own healer, i bet you never heard about that. Time is the pill you take, but only you can heal your broken heart, only you can find your smile. Remember that, even if i did not live long enough to remind you..."

It was an emotional moment, tears unconciosly crawled out of many eyes as they clapped.

"Do you have anything to share before we close?" Dr. Claire referred to Aliyah.

"Well yes" Aliyah said. She then stood up and cleared her throat. "I am Aliyah and you all know my story, the story of how love and death conspired to break me, but fate saved me. Its been more than two months since death threw my heart like a glass against a hardrock. It did break, but i survived and thank to my families, me. Myself and my diary. And also someone i choose not to mention, he helped me in making the last stitch on my heart. He oneday sent me a poem by the great Alee Lawan, i would like to share the same poem with you"

She cleared her throat as she recited

How to get over a heartbreak
Get a knife from the kitchen
And cut a hole in your chest...


Won't you die?" The old man who spoke before Aliyah chirped in. He said no more otherwise the glares would kill him. She smiled at his joke and continued...

You will see your heart in two pieces
You will see your viens playing chess
Now take those pieces in your hand
After you put the knife down, make them say their vows
Pronounce them husband and wife
Now smile, my friend, congratulate them and get on with your life

Dear DiaryOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora