Breaking the Silence

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Life is full of ups and downs, somedays we smile, some other days we cry. You might think you can dodge pain all the time, but you can't.

That's because pain is recurring part of  life, and what matters is not the feeling, but how we choose to deal with it. Some let it out as tears, some vent it out as fury, anger, rage, some take their pain and turn it into art. We are different, so is the way we choose to deal with pain.

So, it's about time someone tell you that life will not always be unicorns and rainbows, somedays, life will push you into an ocean of pain and trials, an optimum test for survival. By then, the choice will be yours, whether to swim or to drown. I hope you choose to swim, because your smile is all worth the effort.

Everyone has a story to tell, if only they could get a listening ear that will neither judge nor taunt them for their mistakes. So does this girl, Aliyah.

It was that time of the day when the sun have already packed up, ready to close for the day. The streets and roads of Suncity were littered with humans in a hurry as if they were chased by a zombie apocalypse.
The honking noises of the cars told the story of their impatience, they all wanted to get home before it was completely dark.

One girl burst out of an event center, with tears trickling down her eyes. Her head felt heavy as if a mountain was placed on it, her heart was beating fast, yet she felt as if it was beating in slow motion. It wasn't just her heart, everything around her appeared to be silenced as they moved in slow motion.

All she wanted to do right now was go as far away as she could,  from this heartless world of lies, deception and betrayal.

"How could he do that to me?" She whispered to herself.

She turned back from time to time whether he would come after her, to tell her it was all a prank, but he never did.

She went home, maybe there she will find some solace.

Two hours later.

After crying for about half an hour, Aliyah stood up and began to search her room for something. She was easily frustrated as she searched but couldn't find what she's been looking for.
To find it, she turned her room into a total mess as if a thief came in and left in a hurry.

"Even though It's been four years already, it should still be here, I hope it's here." Aliyah uttered to herself as she opened an old wooden box kept under her bed.

The box was covered in dust but she cared not, what more harm can mere dust do to her bleeding heart?

A bunch of books laid inside the box, one by one she kept throwing them on the floor until she laid her hands on  a thick book with the word Diary inscribed on it.

"Finally, I found you" she said.

The diary was a gift from her uncle, Tariq. He gave it to her on her 18th birthday, she loved it then, so much that she wrote almost every day on it.
However, her enthusiasm and love for writing in the diary depleted so quickly that she used it only for less than a month.

Since then, she never used it again. Today, she needed it badly.

She took the diary and placed it on her laps, she glanced through her previous writings and almost laughed at the innocence of her words. Even after four years the words never changed.

Obviously she was in pain, and she believed, that writing it off will lighten her burden.

She didn't want to waste anymore time reading what she wrote before. She just wanted to ease the  pain she was feeling, she just wanted to tell her story. She opened a new page and wrote, in a rush She filled only the date as a reminder, of this ill-fated day.


"Friday 29th December, 2001
Dear Diary,
I know you are wondering why this eighteen year old is knocking on your door, well I am twenty two now, I wished I remained that innocent one. I left you in the arms of dust for years now, sorry. I was too excited about life, about my freedom after 18,
So much that I thought I wouldn't need you anymore.
Back then, I only told you about how I wished for a father, I only told you the stories of my loneliness. But then everything was alright and I began to confide in humans.
I wished I never did.
Forgive my misdeeds but today, i came to you because, i have feelings no human i can tell, for i fear no living creature deserves to feel this pain.
So, i chose to break this long silence because diary, today you are the only one i can fully express all my feelings to, without being judged or being pitied, not because you do not have feelings, but because unlike the rest of them you only listen. Unlike them, you don't lie, you don't betray trusts, unlike them you don't break hearts.
I know you are the bestfriend i am looking for..."

She stopped writing and kept staring at the roof. Lost in thoughts, haunted by the memories of the past.

There you Go, i know this is so short for a chapter but trust me it's only the opening chaps.

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