The Silent Storm

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Hafiz's POV

I stood beside the big glass window of my office, staring at the outside environment. Though my eyes were on the green scenery, my mind was trapped in an imaginary world of its own creation. A world that centred around Aliyah.

But Why do I keep staring at her? Or did I really fall in love with her? Or may be I am just realizing it now. Thousands more questions popped up in my head, all about her. Love?

"No! No! No! It can't be" Another voice within me opined.

"What then do you call this feeling?"

Before my mind could could give birth to an answer, the door announced the arrival of a visitor via series of knocks that ended my self reflection. I turned, adjusted my tie and gave the person the permission to come in.

My heart skipped a beat on the sight of my visitor's face, I could swear that I felt a gentle flame spread across the four chambers of my heart. I could deny this a million times but when she smiled, my entire soul shook and I was perplexed by the magical effect her lips held. I felt this before, but never this way?

"Sir!" She called. It felt awkward but I didn't realize that I was openly staring at her like a fool.

"Yes, Aliyah. Have a seat please"

"Thank you sir.  Here is my application for a leave"


"Yes sir, the letter says it all" She said in a voice that resounded of happiness.

"Congratulations" I said on reading the letter. She requested a leave for her mother's wedding, who was I to deny her that?

I signed on the paper and approved with a stamp as she smiled at me with a thank you sir.

I watched her walk away, and with every step my heart called out her name, hoping she would just turn and smile at me one more time. Just when her hand was on the door knob she turned to look at me, she caught me staring and it was too late to look away. Could she have heard the voices of my heart? No, that's impossible.

"You will be there right?" She asked.

I raised my brows at her in a quizzical manner.

"The wedding" She added.

"Oh, yes. I will definitely be there" I said.

"See you then, take care and bye" She said in a manner that teased my senses.

"Bye" I waved trying so hard to bury this new found feelings in me.

After she left, I found myself battling my own emotions. How could this be? That i have really fallen  in love with her. But why does it feel like I am cheating on someone?

I want to deny it but my heart is still pounding hard, all because I saw her face, all because I looked into her eyes, all because I saw her smile.

Omar was right, I could lie to the whole world if I want to, but the truth will always manifest from within and I wouldn't be able to lie to myself.

"What have you gotten yourself into?" I asked my heart.

"Love!" My heart thundered.

"I love you Aliyah" My lips involuntarily whispered the feelings of my heart.

Damn! Thank goodness she left. She should never get to know that I have fallen for her.

Aliyah's POV

Okay, what did happen? When i went into Hafiz's office to get his approval for my leave, strange things happened. The moment I went in, his eyes locked on me like a target and every movement I made never escaped his gaze. It felt weird.

Dear Diaryजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें