The Courtroom

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Suncity  Courtroom

The courtroom was filled with the inaudible chatter of the audience, their voices were not loud enough to be called noise nor was it quite enough to be called silence.

More audience arrived with each passing minute. And soon, the courtroom was filled to the brim, causing the previously cool atmosphere to change into a somewhat unpleasant one.

Just when the heat was getting unbearable, one of the court officers turned on two similar switches. Then, two air conditioners began to blow. Within fifteen minutes, the atmosphere was cool again.

During those fifteen minutes, the police van arrived with some of the suspects set for trial. Notable among them was Hafiz, the reputed scholar whom everyone respected.

Two days ago everyone who knew him was thrown into a daze when the news of his arrest featured on the headlines of every major station and news outlet.

The masses were curious as to why a man of his nature and caliber would be arrested. Perhaps that would explains the reason why his trial attracted much attention from the public and the media.

As soon as he came in, a loud murmur erupted from the audience and part of them began to converse with the other.

"Maybe he embezzled funds or accepted a bribe" One of the audiences said.

"No, I don't believe he would do that." Another responded.

"Humans are unpredictable you know"

"Well, let's be a little bit patient and we will find out in no time. No man is perfect you know."

"You are right."

Just then, a voice echoed to trample all other voices. "All rise!" The bailiff said aloud as the judge made his way into the court. Oh, bailiff is that police officer attached to a court.

Everyone in the court stood up and watched as a short man who was in his mid-forties made his way to the judge's seat.

He looked up at the audience,
surprised of how full the house was. He didn't dwell on it, rather he  proceeded with the business of the day.

"Today we start with the court case  SCJ096D, the state versus John Solomon." He read out.

The man named John smiled at Hafiz before stepping forward for his trial.
He stood before the judge waiting for his charges to be read out.

"Your name is John Solomon, right?"

"Right." He nodded.

"Mr. John, you are charged with the possession and distribution of illegal substances.  Do you understand the charges pressed against you?" The judge asked.

"Yes," John replied from the witness stand.

"Do you have a lawyer?"

"No your honor."

"If you can't afford an attorney, the state can provide you with one." The judge said.

"That wouldn't be necessary your honor; I am guilty as charged."

"Are you saying this in your right senses?"

"Yes, your honor. I wasn't forced to say this. I truly am guilty of possessing hard drugs and their distribution, particularly across Area B in Suncity. I well know the lives we ruined, including our own. So, I want to pay for my sins, perhaps God will forgive me. I hereby request this court to give me the sentence I deserve."

"Fine." The judge said. He then picked up his pen and began to write.

"Based on the list of substances you were caught with,  section seven of the constitution demands you be sentenced to twenty-five years of imprisonment. However, the manner you exhibited before this court is a proof of your regret. For your sincerity, you are hereby sentenced to fifteen years in prison without a fine. You will undergo the rehabilitation procedure and ten years after today, the court might reconsider waiving the remaining of your sentence into five years of active service, depending on your progress." The judge read out the verdict. His words were accompanied by a loud thump on the table as his gavel sealed the judgement.

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