The Sun Embracing the Moon

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People sat around the bonfire in circle, a renown story teller Tom Cook was the only one standing, mesmerizing everyone around with his magical story telling ability, moving around demonstrating, his voice capturing each details and character, all listeners watched the stories come to life.

Currently He told a story of the longest Solar eclipse in the history of man, in his hoarse voice he told
" was the Longest night man has ever seen, for the sun went dark, so did the moon and the short time less than a day seemed like eternity to men. Priests embraced their Christ while Muslims bowed invoking Allah. Some called but idols couldn't speak, helplessly some watched for they believed the sun to be their God. Where then do you run to escape the wrath of your God. Babies cry echoed in the ears, laced with maiden's cry of fears, men stood tall their hearts full of fear...."

When he told this Story Aliyah thought that this could relate to her, she was just like the moon cold and peaceful but then she was in love with the blazing sun, just like the moon couldn't shine without the sun, Sameer's Love was the light that made her shine.

"Should i talk to him?" She was asking the two little girls within her.

"Yes" her heart said and "No! He has another girl" her brain protested.
And the brain was right because, Cathy sat right beside him listening...

"Alright I won't" She wasn't sad this time, but she knew that she promised to let fate decide, but then, isn't the fate of their love in her hands?

Though man can't decide his fate, but sometimes fate is a consequence of the actions of man himself, he just couldn't see.

*Story Teller's voice* "...then the darkest hour came right before the dawn, darkness engulfed even the heart of the bravest, chaos occupied even the mind of the wisest...Then Came the ray of hope, the ray of light of the rising sun, drove away darkness and their came in light. Joy replaced fears, happiness invoked tears, Many Praised their God for ending their longest night..." Soon his story ended attracting cheers and applause from the crowd. He went on asking individuals what they learnt From the story. Some said Love, some learnt the importance of Hope, Some saw in the story the benefits of turning back to God.

"Before the next Story begins welcome this cultural bands" Dr. Claire was the host. Some  danced to the beats of the drum, some used the chance to relieve themselves, others that had no interest went their way. Aliyah walked to the edge of a cliff not far from the bonfire, her eyes fixed on the stars, her ears could hear their whispers so she believed, that every star had a story to tell if only we listened.

"Wanna hear a Story?" She said to the stars. "Okay.. listen" she began to read while she wrote.

"Dear Diary," (she read)
" One-day i went to the Greenlands, well it was quite more beautiful than i heard,
Tall trees, beautiful ancient buildings, high mountains and eyes has seen the beauty of nature here, now i am in love with it...i studied some plants but i never had a chance on laying eyes on them till i came to this land, i could see them on the way...well I'll tell you about it more when i get to see more of what the Lands have to offer... right now i want to tell you and the stars a story... Diary i started telling you about Nina,
"Oh! Nina was my friend who turned foe" (she explained to the stars.)
"At one point in time we were good friends, but our friendship began to wither, until oneday it completely shattered...well pinky was happy it did" (Aliyah said looking up to the stars.)
It was during our final year, first semester examinations, i am such a nervous human when it comes to exams and i hated cheating in exams the most, i write what i know because i'd rather fail honorably than cheat and pass an exam. Well,we came for our exam and i was annoyed that Tina sat beside me not due to the fact that we were no more good friends anymore, it wasn't about that. I wasn't short of friends by then i had many, the first male one inclusive. Nina cares about no rules of examinations, she could try to communicate with you, she disrupts your peace and dismantle you from your thoughts, she could confidently come into the exam hall with answers written on a piece of paper. She was shameless and could even swap booklets when she had a chance, but then her father was the Dean of the The faculty of sciences and alas he was her confidence. So, we went into the exam hall that day, i was exhausting my brains for answers, when i saw her pull out a sheet of paper filled with answers. I knew she wasn't scared of being caught but unfortunately that day our invigilator was a strict and honest lecturer, he cared not about who you were, as long as he caught you cheating...he will hand you over to the examination malpractice committee (He was it's secretary by the way she told the stars)
Knowing that she will implicate all of around her if caught, i raised up my hand fearlessly, the invigilator came and i exposed her deeds, i wasn't being a snitch at that time, i was trying to save us that wrote beside her. Having seeing the evidence of her malpractice he seized her booklet and made her fill a malpractice form.
She resisted and refused to fill the form, angered by her refusal to comply the invigilator had to excercise his authority, he wasn't supposed to, but he slapped her anyway...the slap still echoes in that hall till today. She fought back and that was a mistake she regretted, for, another slap she gained. At the end of it she filled the form it was such a humiliation to her and i felt guilty that i had to expose her but i don't regret it.
She glared at me with her eyes full of rage, her voice sharp full of hate she said that i will regret what i did and she will make me pay. Due to her father's interference she wasn't expelled as per the rules, rather her semester was cancelled and she had to repeat.
We never talked again since that day, Even after we graduated and left her there she still won't talk to me. Let her go to hell Pinky would often say.
I knew she would come at me someday, and i was worried as to when and how was her revenge going to be. I knew her reputation mattered to her a lot, she will surely come at me, and she did. She did hit me where it hurts the most. But, how our paths crossed again is a story for another day, i hope to live long enough to tell you.

Dear DiaryTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon