Hold On...

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The downpour got heavier and heavier  however, both Aliyah and Sameer were too slow to reach their tents without getting drenched.

In Aliyah's tent Zeenat was worried Aliyah hasn't come back yet, at first she tought Aliyah was dancing in the rain, but it has been a while and the downpour came heavily. Having come prepared for a situation like this, Zeenat picked up her umbrella, off she went to aid Aliyah.

"Ya Allah i hope everything is alright with her" Zeenat felt a sense of responsibility towards Aliyah, that responsibility she always felt to her late little sister.
Coming out of the tent a current of strong air blew almost snatching the umbrella from her hands.

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Aliyah walked towards her tent in the rain, well she was scared of running, for she might fall. So she walked not minding the rain nor the strong wind that blew, Sameer followed behind her trying to stop her.

Zeenat didn't walk for long before she met Aliyah halfway But, a man followed behins her trying to speak to her. Zeenat could already guess who he was even before she went close.

"Aliyah!" She called out atop her voice but it fell on deaf ears, because Aliyah was a bit far from her.
"Aliyah!.... Aliyah!... Aliyah!"  Zeenat walked against the wind and rain to grab Aliyah by the arm, to her suprise Aliyah was in a state of oblivion.
"Aliyah we have to go" Zeenat shaked her like a bottle of medicine that says shake well before use, and it worked. Aliyah shivered tremendously waking up from her dilenma, she gained back half of her lost senses looking around like she didn't even know it was raining.
" Let's go" Zeenat pulled her, and she followed her this time obidiently having no will of her own.

"Aliyah, Hold on i still love you...say something." Sameer Said stretching his hand wanting to stop her but no, he grabbed nothing but rain and air.
"Listen to me Aliyah...i am sorry...Hold on, please don't leave me" He cried out taking a step behind them wanting to follow them.

"Don't you dare!!" Zeenat's rage showed in her eyes, and surely it can be felt in her voice as she stopped his advance, Zeenat withdrew the finger she pointed at him and continued walking to their tent.
Her Aura was too overpowering that he stood still not daring to keep up the follow, feeling defeated his knees touched the ground.
"... please don't leave me Aliyah..." He shouted but no, he watched as she went farther and farther away from him. He punched the ground repeatedly in anger, he then let out a loud cry, loud enough to reach all the tents and echo through the forest if not for the rain. He resumed his assault on the ground until he couldn't hit it anymore, until he fell to the ground helplesy watching as Aliyah made her way to the tent.
He lied on the ground "..hold on... please don't leave me..." he kept on saying

"She... didn't...even look ...back" were the last words he uttered before loosing the last strand of his conciousness.

Inside the tent, it was spacious  almost giving you the feeling of being in your  room. Aliyah changed into her pajamas, now she was back fully to her senses.
Pouring some hot water from a flask, Zeenat made a coffee for Aliyah, the aroma of the coffee itself gave one a pleasant feeling. Aliyah was sad but her nose worked perfectly alright and her taste buds were already dancing and excited to taste the coffee.

"Thank you!" Aliyah collected her cup of coffee while Zeenat sat beside Aliyah.

"You are welcome this coffee is my favorite" Zeenat said

"Not just for the coffee but for everything" Aliyah added.

"Oh! You don't have to, but if you really want to thank me, take care of yourself, and don't stay under the rain like that next time and of course stop making yourself look stupid in the face of love again and again"

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