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As the walked down the stairs with her mother, Aaliyah was having flashbacks in her head.

••••3 Years Ago•••

Aliya and her friend were almost late for their Biology lecture, which as a matter of fact was compulsory to them as students of The Botany department in The Royals University.

"Pinky! if you you don't walk faster we will miss the lecture and I'm pretty sure this time around that witch won't let us scot free" Aliya said in a nagging tone, to her friend who was busy admiring the handsome boys on their way.

Pinky rolled her eyes and replied"

"Pardon me! But I can't live a boring life like you do. Imagine you are no more a teenager, but you never even had a boyfriend, you suck! I don't even know why we are friends. look at that handsome dude over there, isn't he cute?"

And she pointed to a tall and muscular handsome man, he had the kind of face that throws you off your tracks, his eyes were as dark as the night sky, his nose was pointed and sharp... he was many ladies dream man and when he looked their way, with nonchalant gaze and a weak smile he waved Hello!

Aliyah: ugh...eeew i hate that guy I don't even know why girls keep fighting over him all of the times.

Pinky: How would you know? Bighead! You will never know how it feels.

Aliyah: keep dreaming, i won't give my heart away to anyone unless...he Commits to me and willing to marry me.

Pinky: Isn't it too early to start thinking of marriage now? Enjoy life first you idiot! You will never understand.

Aliyah grabbed Pinky's hand and dragged her to walk faster when she realised that this girl can spend an entire day crushing on boys.
"Whatever" Aliya said in a girly manner as she dragged her towards the class.

Days went by quickly, every day they come to the university Pinky will be admiring the handsome guys, on the contrary Aliyah was always disdainful towards them. Especially the most popular of them all, she hated him with passion and her hatred knew no reason.

Everytime he tried to establish a connection with them, she was the insulator in his way. He kept trying because Aliya was a very beautiful lady, her tender looks, she had this rosy lips that always had a magical smile. But everyone knew it that this girl was still living in the ninetees and have no rooms for boys in her life. Some even had the rougtht of her being a lesbian.

She hatef this guy, Who was he? He was Sameer.

Sameer was very popular among the girls on campus, many of them liked him but he kindly declined all the gestures of the girls in the presence of the public, and then have affairs with the ones he likes in secret.

However none of the girls dared to tell anyone about their relationship because he threatened to leave them if they do. Even though he was a sinner in a saint's clothing, he was very lively and loved to be around people. Not even Aliyah herself can point out a single reason why she hated Sameer to the core.

One day, Pinky and Aliyah were tired of trekking, so they sat under a tree to rest. From where they sat, a lady could be seen struggling to carry her load, she could barely walk with the two heavy bags. Many boys were passing by but none cared to help her. Just when Aliya was about to curse all the men on that campus, a familiar man walked up to the lady and offered to help her.

"SAMEER!" Pinky said to herself in shock and a hint of jelousy flashing in her eyes.

"That girl must be really lucky"
At this moment Pinky was not alone in this tought, all the girls passing by felt the same.

However, Sameer's action took a deeper effect on Aliyah! Yes, i mean that girl that hated him for no reason.
At the moment she felt like she misunderstood that guy all along, his action had melted her heart just like fire melts the ice, the hatred she beared for him began to wash away as if carried away by the waves of the ocean.

That day was the first time she ever looked at any man with admiration in her eyes.

"Shame on me, how could i hate someone as noble as him? Was i wrong about them(men) all this while? Do good ones really exist among them? No! That can't be true, if it was, my parents would have been married by now". she thought to herself.

*****at the dining Table*****

Aliyah just finished eating the fried rice her mom cooked for her, she shaved off all the thoughts going through her head and picked up a jug full of orange juice and headed for her room.

Just before she climbed the stairs, she turned and looked at her mom with a cheerful smile
"Thank you Mammā, it was very yummy, Goodnight. I love you Mammā.

"I love you too your Majesty"
Her mom replied as she bowed as if a Queen stood before her. She cleared the table and minutes Later she went up to her room too...

When Aliyah got to her room, was surprised to find her room tidied up and well arranged. She couldn't help but think that her mother did this while she was downstairs eating and lost in her thoughts.

"Oh mammã" she said in a pitiful voice

Aliya then sat before her table, poured out a cup of juice and began to write...

Sameer i hated you, but then
What you did made me admire you.
With time i befriended you,
A fool i was, i even fell in love with with you.
In my heart i built a home for you.
I really thought i was made for you.
I believed every word you said, but i was wrong.
I really thought you were different from the rest,
Nay! You are the worst of them.
That day, i wish i knew that you helped her not because it was your nature to be kind,
but because it was yours to decieve.
I had my principles, but i betrayed them all for you.
I thought that I've found the man of my dreams in you.
I thought i escaped the devil, how then did i end up in this hell?
I really thought you will marry me ...i tought promises were meant to be kept, but to you they mean nothing but sweet lies.
I get it now, i decieved my self
i tought love was happiness, why does it hurt so deep?
i ...

Before she could write the next word, she felt as if her heart was being pierced with thorns and spikes, it wa as if her bleeding heart was set ablaze.

The pain was more than she could handle so like a fallen clover she fell to floor, like a fragile piece of art she was broken.
With tears gushing out of her eyes she let out a painful cry.
At that moment she even felt the urge to end her life, but how could she do that while her mother's picture was staring at her from her bedside.

So she just lay there sobbing on the floor.
Even when She tried to speak the words felt too heavy, her throat felt full and tight but still, With a shaky and quivering voice she said

"I loved you, but you really hurt me bad, now that you broke me, i hope Karma doesn't hit you hard"

She let out a more painful cry than before and her tears showered more and more.

She grabbed a pillow from her bed while she was still on the floor, hugged it tight as she cried her heart out,

"Why do i still love him? Will he come back to me?... Perhaps I'll have to move on..." She thought to herself, hoping that this time she tought right.

She kept on crying until she felt too weak to make a sound. Even then, her tears never stopped to flow... until they began to come out drop by drop...

Her tears kept dripping until her vision darkened. Was she asleep or unconscious, that, she never understood.

So she lay there broken...
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