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Reminder: Tariq is Aliyah's Old One

Tariq drove his car through the gates of the airport, Aliyah sat at the front seat while Mommã sat at the back with her brother revisiting memory far older than Aliyah i guess.

"Beep" the scanner at the gate said they were green to go. They parked and escorted them into the airport.

"This is as far as we can go, take care of yourself" Tariq said to Lailah staring at her directly in the eye, dough she tried to do the same she couldn't stare back.

"You too"

"You know I'd love to go with you but i have to report to work tomorrow, so take care Mommã I'll join you there ASAP"

"Just show them who the boss is princess, Take care" Lailah hugged her daughter goodbye.

"Good bye uncle"

"Good bye child"

Aliyah watched the two siblings made their way into the check-in area, her mother will from time to time turn and give her a smile.

"I hate goodbyes" Tariq cussed

"We all hate them" Aliya couldn't agree less.

"Let's go home"

"Can we pick up Pinky on our way?"

"Sure little one"

20 minutes later, they have already picked up Pinky and went home, she didn't want to feel lonely so, Pinky will be staying with her until her mother returns.

"So i guess we are home alone" Pinky said as she waited patiently behind Aliyah who was still struggling to open the door.

"I am still here" Tariq spoke "let me help you with that" he collected the key from Aliyah and showed her how to open their now faulty door.

"You should change the lock uncle, I can't keep going through this stress just to open the door"


Going into the house, On the Sofa Pinky sat, switched on the TV and continued watching the show she was enjoying when Aliyah went to pick her up. Meanwhile Aliyah went upstairs to drop Pinky's bag.

"I'll go to town for some work call me if you need anything"

"Okay sir" Pinky replied

"We need some groceries, fruits and some chocolates of course" Aliyah said coming down the stairs.

"Remind me in two hours time in case i forget"

"Okay, i will, take care" she smiled at him.

Tick tock, tick tock evening came too soon and it was beginning to get dark, Tariq was beginning to get worried because he hasn't recieved Lailah's call yet, and no matter how he tried he couldn't get through to her.

"She'll be just fine" Aliyah said to him

"I hope so"

***Ring Ring*** Tariq's phone rang, with a click he received the call from an unknown number, but the voice was someone he knows.

"Lailah you got us worried" he sai not minding to return her greetings

"So...rrry" She apologised "we took off on schedule but the weather was bad and our flight took up to 6 hours before landing, and then the network here was down because they were doing some repairs"

"Oh thank god, i wouldn't know what to do if anything happened to you" he unconsciously spoke out his true mind, but hey! Aliyah was right beside him and he felt shy, a bit embarrassed but the already in awe Aliyah was very happy to hear him say so, at least someone is making her mother happy.

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