The Man of My Dreams

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Aliyah felt her heart shrinking, every heartbeat was accompanied with pain that echoed through the walls of her soul. Not that she had never been hurt before, but she was never broken this bad.

Tears rolled uncontrollably on her cheeks, the more she tried to stop them, the more they flowed.
A few drops even fell on the page she was writing on, but she cared less.

A few minutes later she took a deep breath, wiped her tears and continued writing.

I was a pure and innocent soul who saw love without marriage as a taboo and that only fools will willingly give in to a fruitless relationship. I was raised to believe so by mother, and it felt right.
You see, I had such a perfect plan not to ever give my heart away until i find a man that will love me unconditionally, a man that will respect and value me. I planned to give my heart away to that man who will love me with every breath, that man who will fight the world for me and would obstruct the lighting if dare comes my way.
I was not waiting for a knight in shining armor, i only wanted a man that will commit himself to me with the sacred bond, I wanted someone who will love me deep enough to want to spend the rest of his life with me.
I didn't care whether he will be handsome or not, neither did i care be him rich or poor, all i ever wanted was a man that will make me happy in his home not as a toy but as a partner, a companion, as a wife. All i ever wanted was a man different  from my father. Alas i dreamed too much! Alas I asked for much.

You see, I was that lonely girl who have never loved before, until the arrival of tectonic shift that moved the mountains around my heart, pushing me into love. And then I fell for the first time, I had no idea that I'll  fall this deep, I did anyway.
I thought he was the dream man I've been looking for, so I gave away my heart to him. I made a necklace out of my smile and wrapped it around his neck, I gave him my all.
But how did I end up here, bleeding words on the pages of a diary?
Let's just say, I expected too much, I loved too much, i trusted too much in a world where feelings are not valued.

Or maybe I just fell for the wrong person, and that my friend, is the Genesis of my tribulations.

Knock! knock! "May i Come in?" the melodious voice of her mother conveyed, however even after asking twice no response came from Aliya.

Pushing the door open, Lailah, a woman in her forties came through. Though she lived past forty she still had the glamour of her youthful beauty, her round beautiful eyes made her look adorable, with an extra spice of deeply white and black coloration. Her nose was somewhere in-between a long pointed nose and a short one. Right beneath it is her cherry colored thin lips that always gave her smile a look like a newborn cresent moon. Her beauty wasn't loud, it appeared calm and condensed.
Even more interesting, she is the exact replica of her daughter Aliyah, she was just older.

People have dreams and aspirations, Aliyah is her own. To her, Aliyah is the sun around which all her planets revolve. She is that which illuminates her skies and give her hope same way the sun does the moon.

After all that she has been through, Aliyah was the reason she never gave up. Aliyah was the morning star that brought upon Dawn in her darkest hour.

The mother and daughter love each other so much, after all, each other is all they have.

Making her way into the room, Lailah was displeased with the sight of books, clothes, shoes, pillows and bed sheets scattered all around the room.

" Is this a lady's room or perhaps two teenage boys who don't care to put things in order?" She said.

"Mommã, i was just looking for something." Aliyah replied.

Short chapter? Don't worry about that. Swipe up Let's see how things end. The best is yet to come.

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