When love arrives...

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Aliyah's POV
I was submerged in my thoughts. So deep that I have almost forgotten where I was. Not until the air horn of a passing truck barged into my ears unannounced and my sense of hearing went numb for a second.

I was seated in the backseat of Hafiz's car, waiting for him to come out of the barber's shop. When I got bored counting the cars, I took my diary and began to write.

Dear Diary,

Have you ever been broken, so badly that you thought healing was impossible?

I was there too. Until the waves of destiny swept me off to a shore, to an island I never thought I would see again. An island of love and happiness.

Remember how my heart used to be a hideout for grief and sadness?
And my eyes a spring of ever flowing tears?
Remember how my nights used to be long and sleepless, and my days numb, and memory infected?
I remember them too. Not because they still happen but because; I miss them now. For they were sent on an exile when his love arrived.

Don't get me wrong, I don't want them back.

I love my days better now. Filled with moments of laughter, smiles, and blushes. Moments of erratic heartbeats, infatuations, excitement and nervousness. All because of him.
I love my nights better now. Especially when they come with the sound of his voice singing lullabies to my ears. Or the others when we would sit outside, counting the stars as we tell each other the stories of our lives.
I fall asleep with a smile on my face, even my pillows ask where I buried the bad of my days.
You see, now i look forward to my mornings, all because I know that he rises before the sun, to send me love, feelings magical enough to get me through the day.

These days, i just want to be wherever he is. For he is where I find happiness, peace and a sense of security.
You see, I never get tired of staring at his bearded face as he smiles, neither do I ever get bored of listening to his talks, his jokes and his flirts. Even when I pretend not to like them.
I don't have the words to tell you how deeply I've go attached to him now.
All I know is, I begin to miss him even before he's out of my sight. And my heart prays that he never leaves my side.

Damn! I have no freaking idea when or how he stole me from myself, it just happened. And everytime I look back to how I almost rejected him, I slap myself twice as a punishment and call myself a hypocrite a number of times.

I mean, come to think of it. It has been only two months since I said yes to Hafiz and look at me, already acting as if we have lived a thousand eternities together.
I remember how I was unsure at the beginning of our relationship, how I was scared of risking the remains of my heart and how I was scared of loosing love again.
Today, I am glad for that leap of faith,i am glad that I risked it all and gave our love a chance.

Dear diary, when love arrives, it heals all that is broken. Enlivens all that is dead, and rebuild all that was lost of hope, peace and happiness.

"You still carry this diary around?" Hafiz's voice interrupted me.

"What are you writing by the way?" He further asked, trying to peep through the window.

"Nothing of your concern!" I said pouting my lips, feigning anger.
I closed my diary and slid it into my bag.

"You are still angry? thought I apologized" He said.

"You did, many times. But I don't want your apologies."

"What do want then?" He asked as he hopped into the backseat as well.

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