The Road To Love II

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Hafiz and Aliya stood down the the road thinking of a a more comfortable way up. It was just a normal slide you can simply walk up, but Aliyah had only one foot to use, the other was held hostage by an injury.

"How are you going to walk up now?" Aliyah asked.

"I don't know, maybe I will have to carry you up." He said.

Just the thought of it sent shivers down his spine while it painted an invisible blush on Aliyah's face.

"I know of an easier way to walk up" Said one of the kids who trailed behind them.

"Where is it?" Both Hafiz and Aliyah asked at the same time, both relieved that their individual imaginations wouldn't have to come true.

"We will have to go walk a little bit further" The boy said.

"Alright. Show us the way."

The boy lead them to a less sloppy way up. With herr arm still wrapped around his neck for support, they walked up.

Halfway up, she mistakenly placed too much wieght on the injured foot. She trembled as pain pierced through her sensory nerves to her brain.

"Ooooch!" She wailed, clamping unto him tighter. She almost slipped through to a fall but he was too quick to react.

He quickly held on to the hand across his neck as his other hand spread diagonally across her back pulling the anchor right above her waist, giving her enough support to remain standing.

The moment she felt the hold of his grasp, a warm fuzzy feeling originated from his touch, spreading through each and every ounce of her being.
Whatever she felt, he felt it a thousand times more. It is safe to say that the feelings surged from him to her.

They avoided looking at each other through the way up, though he would ocassionally tell her to hold on and she would reply "okay".

"Stay here, let me bring the car here." He said as soon as they were up.

"It's not that far, I can walk there."

"Says the girl with one leg."

"No, I really can."


It took them about seven minutes to reach the car.

"How I wish this moment will last forever" Hafiz thought to himself as they approached the car.

Even as he helped her into the car he was still reluctant to let go of her hand, no, not until she woke him up from his dreamy thought.

"I am already seated." She said withdrawing the arm she put around his neck.

"Oh, Sorry." He awkwardly apologised.

"Don't worry, I will be fine." She said to the solemn faces of the children.

She then gave them some biscuits and chocolates she bought at the airport, it wasn't plenty but it was enough to make them jump in excitement.

"Bye bye" They waved as the car zoomed off.

"Hmmmph. What a day." She exhaled.

"Yeah, what a day." He repeated after her.

The atmosphere in the car was still not back to normal and they hardly spoke or even looked at each other.

To lighten the damp atmosphere, Hafiz turned on the radio. Song after song, a mile after another they drove towards the city.

And then, a song began to play. Hafiz quickly pressed on the next button to skip it.

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