It was Supposed to be a Happy Day.

114 34 2

Central District Suncity

"Knock... knock..."

"I hope this is the house" Cathy dressed in red sport sportwears said to the almost exhausted Sameer who stood behind her.

An hour ago, he came to this district with the hope of finding Pinky, door by door he knocked but all in vain. After calling to know where he was Cathy later joined him in search for Pinky's house.

"I thought you said you trailed her"

"Yes, but may be she must have led me to a place that wasn't hers"

Indeed his guess was right, when he met her a day before she suspected he will try to follow her, so she knocked at one of the door of the neighborhood and asked for a cup of water, they did let her in for a cup of water and in turn he was decieved into believing that it was her residence. She came out when he left and went to  visit Damien few houses away.
Today He was dumbfounded when he found out that they knew no Pinky at that house. So, He just had to search and hope that her home was close.

Door opens....and an old woman stood there.

"What do you want?"

Smiling to appease the angry old woman, cathy calmed her down.
"Hello granny, i was looking for a friend of mine named Pinky, i hope you know her"

"Pinky?" The oldwoman asked in her old shaky and clueless voice

"Yes, she is a bit taller than me"

"No! I know no one by that name"

"Oh! ..sorry for disturbing you then"

"Its alright"

Closing the door the oldwoman went back in and left Cathy and Sameer staring at the closed door.

"Where do we go next?" Cathy enquired

Wearing a helpless expression on his face sameer forced his reply

"Anywhere with a cold drink and a cool temperature will do" he then wiped off the sweat off his forehead.

"Let's go then"

His hand he offered to her to help her come down the doorsteps, she gladly accepted his offer. Just when they were about to go he spotted an 11 year kid Pinky talked to yesterday.

"I saw her talk to that kid over there"

"Let's go ask him then"

On reaching the boy Cathy spoke to him first

"Hey, i am Cathy and this is Sameer. We were wondering if we could ask you about a friend"

"Which friend?" The boy asked without taking his eyes off his PSP game.

"Her name is Pinky" Sameer replied

On hearing Pinky's name the boy looked up to check on these strangers
"Are you really her friends?" He excitedly asked

"Of course we are, why would we lie"

"Where is she then? She gave me this game when she came to see my brother yesterday and  promised to bring some chocolates for me today"

"Chocolates!" Cathy thought in excitement for, she have many in her bag and may be they could use it to get something out of this boy.

Her bag she opened, brought out some chocolates and handed them over to him

"Yeyy!!!" He cheered before collecting the chocolate. Quickly he opened one and began to eat
"Is she busy to come and that's why she sent you?"

"Yes, who is your brother"

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