I am Lucky

127 31 20

Dear Diary,
Let's talk about the happiest days of my life, those days i wish never got to pass. Remember when i was just a kid? A little girl who had no worries, no commitments, no feelings.
Those days when a candy made me happy, and my smile was pure and innocent.
But then i was eager to grow, I thought growing up meant freedom, happiness and enjoying life. I never knew that grown ups cry too,i never knew that true freedom lied in my childhood.
And sometimes i just wish i can go back in time to be that innocent child once again one more time.
But none could stop the passage of time neither could they turn back time, so all must grow to face the harsh reality of life. Until oneday we die...i just pray we make it to paradise, where pain, worries or discomfort never dares to go, a place of everlasting happiness and eternal life.

But then even growing up had it's good side, i realised even the grown ups could smile, because happiness is a choice and you can choose to be happy even during your darkest days, you just have to choose happiness.

Two days ago was my birthday, it's really among the best days of my life...
I can say with pride that i am the luckiest,
I have these beings that make me feel the happiest
Because i have them, i know that i am the richest
In their eyes they see me as the prettiest.
I am like a tender rose in their garden
To everything that makes me smile they would harken.
Words lack enough power to describe them
In being the best you can never beat them
A heart of gold throbs within em
I see a pair of golden wings behind them
I even thought an angel lives within them...why?
They gave me smiles even when none was left within them
In my eyes not even the brightest star could outshine them.
For everything they did i can't repay them.
So i thank and pray to the Lord above that made them
Please take care of them even when i am not beside them
In every lifetime let me live beside them
Up above, on the gate of paradise i pray you write my name beside them
So proud and lucky i am to have them.

If i was to write about the special people in my life, i'd finish a pool of ink telling you who they are, another pool telling you how they are special...i'd finish another pool praying for them....

Diary I'll introduce you to my new bike actually I've named it "Fire fly". My new phone Nokia...hhh...well, "i care" my new bracelet, my chocs, my books...

I gotta go shopping, because a day after tomorrow comes Friday.
Guess what day it is...we are going for three days of spritual camping...

See ya', much love, Xoxo.

Having written a portion of what she felt, Aliyah got ready for some shopping, coming down the stairs she kissed her momma goodbye.

"Aren't you forgetting something?" Her momma asked

"Ahm.." Aliyah was trying to figure out what she forgot

"When did you find the super power of shopping for free?"

" I wish i have that super power" Aliyah gnashed her teeth

"You can have it when you are ready to go to jail" her mother joked

"Hhhhh" Aliya laughed, she then collected the money from her mother. Pressing on the key starter Firefly was ready to fly, she put on her helmet and "brooom...broom" off she went

Meanwhile Sameer and Cathy were headed to a Mega superstore located not far away from Eesha's Kitchen. They were invited for the camping trip too.

"What do to want to buy" Sameer asked

"i still have my bag, i have my wears, my shoes...all i need is a nice bottle water" Cathy said with love, as if it was always her dream to buy a bottle water.

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