"The diary girl"

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Note: Read in detail, an info might seem insignificant now, but in the chapters to come, they will definitely become clear. Happy reading.

It's been four days already and all efforts towards finding her missing diary proved to to be futile, yielding no positive result.

Many of the workers at the amusement park are already accustomed to her face due to the constant visits and calls. "The diary girl" they call her.

Today just like the other days she came in to check after work.

"We will contact you as soon as we receive a missing diary"

"Thank you. And I am sorry for pestering you this much" Aliyah said to the man before her.

"It's okay. I understand that whatever is inside that diary must be of great value to you. You wouldn't have taken much stress looking for it."

"Of course" she smiled.

"Take care diary girl"

"You too"

"That name suits you" Pinky Said as they turned to go.

"Diary girl! Why didn't i think of this before.

"Don't you dare call me that" Aliyah punched her playfully.

"Diary girl... diary girl..." Pinky kept saying aloud.

Meanwhile the man on the "missing items" counter tapped the old fella beside him. The man barely talks when Aliya is around rather, he keeps admiring her.

"You seem to drown in toughts whenever this diary girl is around"

"True" The old fella muttered almost to himself.

"What do you think is in that diary? A million dollars cheque?"

"Young Fellas, you are always thinking about materialistic things. It has to be something worth more than just money, it has to be something she cannot replace"

"Oh.." the young man reasoned his points. "What do you suggest"

"The memory of a loved one perhaps, a father, mother or sister. You see, the reason why she seems intriguing to me is because she reminds me of what my granddaughter used to be, so innocent, too naive for today's world. She was full of life and would do whatever it takes to get back what she lost. Once when was 19, she lost the necklace her late mother left for her. Oh my! That girl made us search the every inch of the house, the carpets, beds... We searched for it as if it was the philosophers stone because the poor girl wouldn't stop crying until it was found. At last we found it after dismantling our couch. She later moved in with her father and undeniably the luxurious life changed her persona,  she bacame mischievous and cocky girl. Even as such she was still my granddaughter, the last blood of my late daughter.Poor girl" He sighed, obviously saddened by what happened to her afterward.

"What happened her?"

"She had a car accident two months ago. She almost died, she spent a month in coma and when she finally woke up..." He took a deep sigh "she couldn't speak nor walk again..."

"Oh..i am sorry"

"You don't have to worry, she always finds what she's lost"

Aliyah and Pinky walked to the spot she normally waits for her uncle. When he comes they would all escort Aliyah to see Dr. Mike, her therapist. This tells how much they love and support her.

"Let's sit here" Aliyah pointed to a chair fixed adjacent to her favorite tree, the very tree she sat under the last time she came here.

"I was sitting there when ..."

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