Just a bet

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Authors hint: Imagine the characters your own way, see things your way   Unleashmagination, imagine the scenes your way but of course follow my guide.Visualise Everything.

[Quick Recap from A glimpse of the past: ...under the sunset Jamal(Aliyah's father) proposed to Lailah(her mother) but she said "No"....Just before Lailah could finish her story Dr. Hannah came....and today she continues to tell Aliyah her story....]

Placing her daughter's head on her  lap, she began to rub her hair slowly and continued to tell  her what Happpened years ago before she was even born

"As i was telling you the other day, Jamal proposed to me and i said no but i felt an immeasurable amount of happiness, the feeling i had was so unexplainable and the love i had for him was undeniable.

Just as he was remorsing about my No...

"Yes! Yes! " I screamed after few minutes of my "No" and that yes gave him the last piece of me i was holding back. I gave in fully to his love, for i believed i have found my one. Never did i know that fate would play a trick on me.
That night, he took me to the movies, on our way back we dropped by his apartment.

"We've got to celebrate with a dinner" he said. Huh, i still see his irresistible charm.

"And tomorrow, you will go to see my parents right?" I said to him while i gave him a smooch on his face

"Sure, i will" his words sounded so assuring.

We ate till we had our fill, and then this aphrodisiac drink we had. It was only a month later i found out what the effect of the drink really was. It boosts one's sexual desires, i was fooled and i Thought it was just a drink like all others.

He pulled ne into his arms, hugged me tight and slowly caressed my hair. He bit me on my neck, letting him have his way with me was my greatest regret in life for, that really turned me on, of course that drink was the cause. The smell of his perfume turned the last switch on me and i began to kiss him really hard. Unlike the rest of the days, that day i didn't push him off, We had sex that faithful night, it was a sweet sin i sinned. I still pray for the Lord's forgiveness.

We kept on having our secret nights for almost a month. Every time i asked him to meet my parents he kept on promising he will, but he never did.

Oneday i went to his apartment and without knocking i pushed the door slowly open, it didn't make a sound but what i heard coming from the room made me halt.  Voices came from the inside

"I never tought you Will be able to win this bet Jamal" his friend said in a surprised tone

" Hahha it only took me a ring to win her trust. If only i knew that a ring will buy her heart i would have won long ago. I have been f*** her for more than a month now, look at these pictures" and he passed his phone to his friends to see.

"Damn! She is so hot. Dude you really did it this time" his friend complimented.

"Alright, send me my money I need my 1000$ right now" Jamal's voice could be heard so loud

That echoed in my head a thousand times, and a storm was brewing in my heart. He won? 1000$? What was he talking about?.
I stood there listening to all they say. I couldn't go in neither could i go back. I was just a bet he had to win" her mother's voice began to quiver and tears began to flow, so Aliyah adjusted and hugged her mom. Feeling relieved She continued to speak

"You know, They all Bursted into a cheer, as if they have won a trophy"

They laughed and i cried, i Bursted into tears and shut the door angrily, cause i couldn't take it anymore. Only then did they realise that i was there all this while.

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