More than just a Diary

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Aliyah's POV
I woke up earlier than the sun, even earlier than the roosters. That didn't suprise me, i do that sometimes. But today was different, I was desperate for the sun to rise and the moment i opened my eyes a series of notification kept ringing in my head.

"... Missing Diary..."

"... Find Your diary..."

"... The letter..."

Ugh! I slapped myself for the hundreth time hoping to push the thought away but it keeps coming back.
It wasn't just the diary that bothers me, it was all the moments and memories painted within, i could never paint them again.
One more thing "The Letter!" i gasped on the thought of it.

"Oh Lord, that letter is the last gift he gave me, please don't take it away from me"

I tried to go back to sleep but that too was a failure. I would see the wind flapping the pages of my diary as soon as i closed my eyes and i would quickly open them. l sat up on the edge of  my bed, and i kept turning the light on and off alternatively. And then I tried writing on another note, when all didn't fill in the hole in my mind, i decided to do some push ups.

"One.." I counted with heavy a breath
"two..." I could hardly push myself up, after the third push i embraced the ground laughing at myself. I need to take my fitness seriously, i tought.

I went to the kitchen hoping to find something to eat, anything tasty would do. My luck was high i found two slices of chocolate cake in the fridge. It was mine but i completely forgot about them till now. Then, i went to the sitting room, switched on the tv and sank into my favorite sofa. The metallic spoon served my taste buds a sensational delicacy of sweetness, and my body released a tonne of whatever hormones was responsible for happiness, i felt happy as i devoured more and more of the cake.

I didn't know which of the two worked, the cake or the tv? I fell asleep on the sofa, sure i did. The cozy blanket around me was a proof of it, i didn't bring it and the last time i checked the upper legs of all our blankets were broken, someone definitely brought it.

"Good morning Aliyah" Said the answer to my unanswered question as he sat on the sofa watching a documentary on wild animals.

"" I sluggishly said, an unstoppable yawn accompanying my words.

"Had a fight with your bed?" He asked

"Yes" i nodded with my head.

"Unm, and the cake paid the price"

"Something had to pay" i pouted. "Are you sure you were not a lion in your previous life?" I mocked.

"I still am" he joked.

After watching for a while he had to go for the morning prayer, but before that, i made him promise to check on my diary at the amusement park first thing in the morning.

After i prayed, I came back to the kitchen where we had a good time preparing the breakfast with Mommã, one of the moments i missed these days because of my early morning sleep.

Soon the sun announced the beginning of a new day, and men rushed out like ants to their daily endeavors, the peaceful silence was now replaced with rather chaotic noises. I wonder how calm and peaceful the day will be without the singing voices of machines.

I went to work but my mind lingered somewhere else, i kept checking my phone time to time to see whether my uncle have called or texted but, disappointment mocked me to the face. Even my colleagues noticed the uneasiness written on my face, i had to tell them.

"If a man could get so attached to a pet to the point of tears, it's understandable how attached she is to her diary" One of them argued.

I was too occupied in my mind to contribute to their arguments, even though i could hear them loud and clear.

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