Just Friends

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Sameer's Pov

I sat beside Aliyah, today too just like all the other days i came to see her, she keeps staring at the stars, while me, i'd rather steal glances at her than watch the moon.

"Stop staring" She said without looking at my direction

"I wasn't staring" I argued

"Then, stop admiring, i am not your girlfriend"

Damn I felt a sting in my heart, did she really have to remind me of that?

"Do you really not love me anymore?" I asked

But hey, Sameer pass me the mic over, i need to explain to this reader how you got here, how things turn out this way, let's shift to Author's POV.

Three weeks ago

Aliyah was ready for work, when Cathy called her to confirm whether their weekend hangout was going to hold.

"I am sorry, i will be travelling on Saturday" Aliyah said

"Ooh" Cathy's disappointment was vivid in her voice, but hey "it's okay" she said

"I am really sorry"

"It's okay, talk to you later. Bye"

Aliyah was about to hang up when Cathy's voice came through
"Your flight is on Saturday right?"

"Yes" Aliyah replied

"Then, can we have ice cream at my mother's restaurant on Friday? You can bring your friends along"

"Not a bad idea, it's a deal. Text me the address"


Hanging up the phone, the adress came in, Aliyah had to shout out Pinky's name.

"Why are you calling me like that?" Pinky said.

"Guess where we are going on Friday?"


"No fish head, somewhere you love more than bank"

"There is only one thing i love more than money...Food!" Realisation dawned upon Pinky.

"Cathy invited me, it appears her mother owns your favorite kitchen"

"Are you for real?" Pinky got excited

"Yeah for real"

"But then..." Pinky killed the excitement

"What?" Aliyah quizzed

"Sameer will be there, right?"

"Yes, so?" Aliyah rolled her eyes.

"Are you sure about having him around"

"Stupid girl, you were the one that told me not to let his shadow keep me in the dark, i am done being stupid in love"

"I am glad"

Aliyah went to work, she was hired as an assistant reseacher, as such she belongs to the laboratory with rest of the research freaks. She hasn't met all the people in the lab, but the few she had a chance  to talk to were very friendly, except for a few ladies that felt hostile.

"Were they not happy to have a new lady in the house?" Aliyah wondered.

Well i know why, Aliyah was now the most beautiful lady in that laboratory section, it was clear the attention of most of the guys will now shift towards her.
But not all the ladies cared about that, two to be precise were very friendly, Tasha and Linda. Aliyah joined their team to be the fourth and the member that completes the team, one guy named Ali also belonged to the group.

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