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Quick reminder Mr. Shaf is Sameer's Father.

Sameer's residence

"Calm down, Mr Shaf" His neighbor tried to calm him down after hearing the tragic news of his son's death.

"No. My son isn't dead, you might not feel but i feel it that he isn't dead" Mr. Shaf said.

"I know it's hard to believe, but he is gone" the man replied

Enraged, Mr. Shaf dragged him by his collar, his eyes red, full of fury.
"Don't you ever say my son is dead again, else i will punch you right in the face"He shouted at the man.

"Dear, please Let him go" A calm yet sad voice reached his ears. Mr. Shaf turned around to see his wife.

"Please..." She pleaded again rubbing his back. letting go of the guy's collar, Mr. Shaf apologised for his behavior and embraced his wife.

"He can't be dead, i don't believe them. I mean, i feel he's alive"

"It's okay" his wife consoled.

"Let's go to the hospital, let's see the body, otherwise i will never believe he's dead"

"Alright I'll drive you there" She said.

Silence reigned in the car as they drove to the airport, in his mind Mr Shaf doesn't believe his son is dead, may be his instincts are right, who knows?
Soon their flight landed at the airport, quickly, they rushed to the hospital.
Going in, they were welcomed by the sight of many families mourning their dead ones, crying amidst hugs, their pain can be felt in the atmosphere itself.

"Mr Shaf" I am inspector Bill, i am in charge of the case, we believe your son was aboard the bus. We believe your your son is dead, but we need a confirmation from you. However, i must warn you the bodies are in a very awful condition, some bodies are burnt that facial recognition is totally impossible."

"Let's go" Was the only response Mr Shaf gave.


"Dad, our plane just landed. Now we will be taking a bus to our last stop" Sameer's voice came through the phone.

"Okay. I will send you my friend's number, call him as soon as you reach the border of Platue state" His father said from the other side of the phone.

"I will make sure to. Do you think i will get the job dad?"

"Of course you are my son, my confidence and luck runs in your blood"

"C'mon dad, will you stop bragging?"

"No way that i am bragging, we are born lucky"

"I know dad. I will talk to you later dad"

"Take care"

Sameer was about to hang up when Sameer's voice came through.

"Hey dad"

"What is it son"

"I love you" Sameer said staring at the wristwatch on his hand, it was not just a watch, his father gave it to him.

"Are you wearing that watch? Well i already know, I love you too son. Get home as soon as you are done"

"Yes i am wearing it. I will, i promise."

He then went on to fill in his details at the bustop.

"Must i fill out the first and second emergency contact?" Sameer asked the receptionist.

"Yes sir, those are necessary in case of emergencies."


After filling in his father as the first contact, he wore a smile on his face on the tought of his second contact.

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