Secrets Of the Night

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Closing the door right behind her, Pinky tried to build a complete image from a fraction of what she just saw.

"Could they be kissing?" She thought.

"Click" The door behind her was pushed open by Hafiz.

"Hey, it's you!" He said.

"Oh hi, It's me." She replied.

"I didn't see anything!" She added before making her way into the room as soon as  he was out.

"What is she talking about?" He mumbled to himself, unaware of the misconception she have about his little encounter with Aliyah.

Pinky locked the door behind her and walked towards Aliyah, at first with calm steps, but then she began to Clap her hands with so much enthusiasm.

"Girl, did you just...!"

She demonstrated the rest of her words by extendeding her fingers and bringing them altogether to demonstrate a kiss, as her lips made a muah sound.

"Crazy girl!" Aliyah bellowed before throwing a pillow towards her.

"Take it easy girl!" She caught the pillow with ease.

"I just had the most embarrassing moment of my life!" Aliyah Said.

"What? Why?"

"I sneezed a ball of mucus on his shirt."

"Ewww" Pinky said with disgust. "You are a disgrace. And here I was, thinking you two were kissing"


"What, you can't blame me, the way I saw you two, anyone in my shoes would assume the same thing."

"Well then, learn to never judge on the basis of half the picture, until you see the whole picture, don't make a conclusion. I was just..."

"...Cleaning his shirt." Aliyah said.

"Awww" Pinky said in an elongated manner.

"Don't even start with your fantasies!" Aliyah warned.

"How did you hurt your foot by the way?"

"I don't know." She replied, feigning anger.

"Sorry darrling, tell me please." Pinky begged.

Aliyah glared at her for a few seconds before telling her.

"A swing?" Pinky said, erupting into laughter.

At first Aliyah was annoyed by it, but then, she couldn't stop herself from joining Pinky.

"Feed me the full details girl."

"Okay. We were coming back from the airport..."

Two hours later and the girls were still gisting, from one topic to another. Of course Pinky kept teasing Aliyah from time to time and would often laugh at her.

Soon, her family arrived at the hospital. They stayed with her for quite a long time, till it was evening.
Then, they decided to go back.

"I'll stay behind." Her mother said when it was time to go home.

"You don't have to Mommã, the nurse's do the work here."

"But still..."

"I will be fine Mommã." Aliya cut in

"Alright then, take care."

She smooched Aliyah's forehead before turning to go.

One by one they all left, once again leaving only Pinky and Aliyah in the room.

Dear DiaryOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora