"I'd like to see you try, you little weakling." James replied, letting out a small yawn.

"I am not weak, I'm as strong as a thousand elephants." Remus let out a small snort as James rasied his eyebrow, shaking his head softly.

"You're about as fat as a thousand elephants i think you mean." Sirius pouted, looking down at his stomach before looking up.

"Then I'll sit on you and drag your flattened body to hell with us."

Remus shook his head, laughing silently as Peter burst out with fits of giggles next to him.

"I don't want your big bottom on me," James replied, his eyes widened as he looked over at Sirius.

"Plus I don't want to spend all eternity with you three." The playful smile on his face told the three of them that he was only messing.

"You know you can't live without us," Sirius said standing up and leaning against one of the four posts that held up the canopy above the bed.

James raised an eyebrow, putting his hand underneath his glasses to rub the sleep from his eye.

"You know what I like about you Padfoot?" The boy asked, smirking softly at his friend, who only stared at him with furrowed eyebrows.




Sirius exclaimed, marching into the Great Hall with his head half high, his tie handing loosely around his neck as his right hand wrapped around his wand. His white, school shirt was un-tucked and the first couple of buttons were un-buttoned.

Cassie rolled her eyes, knowing where one was, the others were never far behind, and she was right.

James Potter rushed into the Great Hall, only wearing his plaid pyjama bottoms, no top in sight.

Peter and Remus walking behined then, slow enough to leave a gap, but quick enough as to not loose either of the boys, both of the boys dressed in all of their school uniform and holding their bags in their hands.

"I don't want to hear it!" Sirius continued to yell, causing his twin sister to roll her eyes yet again.

"Padfoot! I didn't mean it." James continued after him, stopping around ten feet away from Sirius when he had stopped aswell.

"I said I don't want to hear it!" Everyone in the Great Hall was staring staring at the two boys.

"You can see the drool coming from the girls mouths." Cassie whispered to Nova , who stifled a laugh seeing as the rest of the hall was now quiet.

"How dare you? James Fleamount Potter? How dare you?" Sirius frowned, raising the hand that wasn't holding his wand at James, who shook his head slowly a frown on his face aswell.

"You know I didn't mean it, Padfoot! I'm so sorry!" Sirius then folded his arms and held his head high in the air.

"I don't want your apology, it's too late for that."

This went back and forth for a few minutes, the two of then just arguing, it not going anywhere.

Cassie rolled her eyes, moving het hands so that they were now either side of her mouth to amplify the sound as she yelled:

"Salazar Slytherin, hurry up and make him beg for it Sirius!" The dark-haired boy sent a grin towards his sister, but it was gone as soon as it appeared.

"You're just as bad as he is." James hissed towards his best friends sister, who only sent a shrug of her shoulders and an innocent smile back his way.

"You heard her," Sirius said, re-folding his arms and glaring at the boy, who was still half naked.

"Beg for my forgiveness," James groaned, before he kneeled down on the floor interlocking his fingers and holding his hands in the air infront of him.

"Oh Sirius Orion Black, I am not worthy of being in your presence. My lord, my best friend, my one true love, forgive me for I have sinned."

Sirius tried not to let the smile crack onto his face, however he couldn't prevent it. He grinned widely as he walked towards James and helped his friend up, the tow of then hugging as they laughed at one another.

"While this had been lovely," Dumbledore spoke for the first time in the whole ordeal, making everyone remember that the teachers are there. McGonagall looked very red in the face, and Slughorn was practically holding her into her seat.

"Mr Potter, it seems you have forgotten to get dressed this morning." James then looked down at his bear chest and grinned.

"Thought it would be a treat for the ladies Professor."

McGonagall turned even redder if possible, as she stood up, placing both of her hands on the table, either side of her plate and goblet.

"Twenty points from Gryffindor, for despicable behaviour." James smile didn't falter, if anything it grew as he looked around the room, catching Cassies and sending the girl a wink.

The dark-haired girl smiled as she raised her middle finger at the boy, rolling her eyes as he wrapped his arm around Sirius' neck and strutted out of the room, Peter and Remus didn't follow, instead they say down as the other two of their party walked away.


"That was so stupid," Cassie muttered, popping a handful of popping candy into her mouth and smiling at the satisfying sensation that she felt on her tongue.

It was another one of her and Sirius' Twin Time, the two of them had decided to go to Hogdmead that weekend, and it had been a few days since James and Sirius' fiasco in the middle of the Great Hall.

Her brother chuckled to himself as he sipped the warm Butter Beer that sat in front of him, the steam coming of the top of it burning his nose slightly and making it red.

"I thought it was... magnificent."

Cassie rolled her eyes yet again, taking a mouthful of the water that sat in front of her.

"I have no idea how you drink that," she said, pulling a face of disgust at him.

"It tastes like shit," She continued, a frown on her, Sirius smirked at the girl, raising his eyebrows at her.

"Had a lot of experience with that have you Cassie?" Sirius then chuckled at his sisters straight gave and glare that would kill him if possible.

"I hate you, I really hate you," she muttered, slamming her head against the palm of her hand.

Sirius chuckled at his sister, both of them secretly enjoying the time they spend together.


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