Chapter 37

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He eventually let go of me and took in my disgusted expression, taking a few steps back and turned to Thomas then back to me

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He eventually let go of me and took in my disgusted expression, taking a few steps back and turned to Thomas then back to me.

He screws his face up, confused with my reaction.

"When did you get back? You've been gone for over a fucking week mate." The blonde guy explains.

"We were out trying to find your body," Drew adds in, they all laugh together, even Thomas is laughing, his flawless smile warms me.

I'm so fucking lost right now, Drew and Thomas hated each other before and now they are hugging it out like brothers.

I can see that the tall blonde dude is feeling uncomfortable, he keeps glimpsing at me scowling at him, trying to figure out who the fuck he is.

I've no idea who the other two are that came in with Drew but they are gone from the group, sitting with their friends and one of them hugs a girl, maybe his partner.

Crawford walks over and all four of them go into some talk about some explosives and tunnels, I shut off and go back to where I lay down.

Thomas looks so different too, he's not this scrawny little kid anymore that ran about after me every opportunity he got. He's full of muscle and carries himself in a way I haven't seen before. It really is a massive turn on, but there is something between us that wasn't like before.

I've been staring at him, talking them through something that has them captivated, except the blonde guy.

He hasn't taken his eyes off of me.

I recognise his face, kind of. He resembled Mac in some way, both are Scottish and blonde... oh my god, it's him, the name badge!

"Theo? Theo Dawson?" I shout out the name to see if he reacts, if he does I'm going to attempt to whack him again.

Thomas interjected yet again and told me it wasn't him, it was a stunt they played on me to turn on the people I care about.

But, I don't care about him. I don't even know who the fuck he is.

"Come with me, I need to show you something," Thomas says while giving me his hand. I take it and follow him into a separate room with a long table encircled by chairs.

"We have a way out, but... it's risky." He points to blueprints of some building as if I was supposed to know what it meant. "We need to blow this part here up, so we can all get out."

"Blow it?"

He nods and the tattooed douchebag and Drew walks in, taking a seat.

Since learning his name was, in fact, Theo I decided he will be called a douchebag, for the time being. I didn't like the way he looked, giving off this bad boy vibe that just didn't sit well with me.

Every time I look at him, he pulls his gaze away elsewhere.

"We need a plan..." he eventually talks and stops eye-fucking me, looking at everyone else.

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