Chapter 9

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Three weeks have gone by and Thomas hasn't spoken a word to me

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Three weeks have gone by and Thomas hasn't spoken a word to me.

Cole was always with Thomas, like a little shadow. I didn't see him unless he needed more clothes or when we saw each other during food.

Thomas began completely dodging me, turning and walking in the opposite direction when he seen me coming and even stopped going to the cave.

I sat Cole down and asked him what happened that night. He was adamant he was alone, and Theo was nowhere to be seen.

Theo was a different story. He grabbed my face and told me to drop it for Cole's sake, to believe that he had nothing to do with it and had no idea who was responsible.

When I pushed for more he begged me to stop, whispered as if someone was listening in.

The suspicion still lingers.

Theo and I were good. Better than good. Every day we go sit by the cliff and just talk for an hour before Theo had to be back, his role of the camp leader means he's always busy.

The less I had seen Thomas, I saw Theo again. There was no clouded judgement or imagining someone else when he would suck on my clit or when he had his two fingers curled up inside of me.

He became softer and we mingle with the camp more. Theo even asked Cole to go to the cave once, which Cole kindly refused.

Everything was going well until Drew came back with a small crowd of people who looked lost and anxious. More people to try to accommodate in the already tight space of the camp.

When they were given a tour by Claire, I saw the hazel-eyed boy emerges from his tent, his eyes land on me for a second but looking away again. He walked up to the group which had an extremely beautiful blonde girl. She looked our age and there goes that big green monster inside of me, bursting out the seams of my self-control.

Thomas has never been the type of guy to flirt, not with anyone who wasn't me anyway. But I can see shit hit the fan here, and I need to walk away before I cause a massive racket in my head about how he can do better.

Within seconds, he is up talking to her and I don't take my eyes off them. Walking alongside the tents across the site, stalking them. She has a lovely smile which makes me sick.

"Babe, do you want to patrol with Thomas and Drew tonight? You can take that shift instead of the shift tomorrow and we can go out somewhere all day?" Theo asks me and thankfully pulls me from my eye-fucking of the blonde.

I nod without even thinking about what he just said, patrol with Thomas? Is that even possible when the little prick won't even break a breath to me?

Perfect. I go get ready for my shift and bump into Claire on the route, who tells me that the blonde chick called Ella has asked Thomas to show her the cave, OUR FUCKING CAVE!

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