A part of me didn't want him to pull away, and I quickly shut that side of me down, never again to be revisted.

"I need to sleep I'm fucking shattered, Zara." Theo's Scottish accent booms behind me. He catches me off guard sometimes and I have to ask him to repeat himself when he goes off on little rants, using some crazy slang that made absolutely no sense to me.

"I need to quickly show you something, don't go to sleep," I say as I slap Theo hard on the back as he lay on his stomach, making my way out the tent we once stayed in together.

The camp is deserted, nearly everyone ran when Mac started shooting everyone in sight and had Thomas, Crawford and Drew tied up and dragged away.

Robert stayed behind and tried to pack away all of Adrianna's paperwork so no-one would see, not before showing it to a very shocked Theo who said it all made sense.

He picked up the notebook that was in the very spot I threw it down at the gate. Flipping it to a page with Thomas' name printed at the top.

"Look, there." His finger pointed to a note. "I'm sorry, I had no idea." He said before I could even read what the hell he was talking about.

Then I spot my sister's name.

My whole insides have turned to stone.

What was her involvement? And what is this shit about Thomas being a soldier?

"What does this even mean, Theo. What does it mean by testing him before the field?"

He shakes his head, unsure what to say.

"Thomas wouldn't ever take part in their barbaric ways." I throw the book down and glare at Robert who seems as confused as me. "Adrianna wouldn't do this." I point down.

Still, no one answers me. "So, Thomas was always their target? Then, why were you sent to kill me?" I snap at Theo.

"I'm not sure if he's the target, or if it has anything to do with you. My dad was very vague with the details, and questioning him was not something I could do under the control he had of my mind. He wanted to test the experiment with me, I was the first to go through it. You were the test, I assume."

"A fucking test? Why me?"

Fuck this.

I marched away without even giving him a chance to say anything back. I had it in my head I would get Thomas back, somehow.

That night I lay in Thomas' sleeping bag, the one we made love in only days before while Theo glances at me every so often from his own tent.

Do you know how hard it is to not go over there and jump on him? Really fucking hard.

I felt my heart racing just thinking about it, my breathing had become heavy and I knew he could see he is affecting me in ways it shouldn't.

"Do you want to sleep in here if you're cold?" He said I could tell he asked it with a smirk. I told him no obviously and rolled over, falling asleep.

That morning was when they first found us, swarming the fence while I ran to find Theo, he was half-naked in the shower room. I had to avert my eyes so I didn't lose track of what was going on.

He threw himself over me while bullets smashed through the windows and we ran, somehow surviving.

Now, we can't stay somewhere too long without being tracked.

"Zara?" Theo calls down to me from his spot at the top of a tree. "I think you need to see this."

I frown, huffing as I make my way up, being careful not to fall. With all my training from Theo, this is a walk in the park, but height still freak me out.

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