Who was she? When we were kids Adrianna wasn't into this type of stuff, she was too girly.

I clench my jaw to stop the emotions flooding me.

"Fucking hell, Zara. Isn't that your dad with Theo's dad? Did you know Theo before?" He asks me questionably, raising a picture of three men standing in an unknown uniform, an eagle badge on their chest.

"No, " I reply honestly, shaking my head and pinching the corner of the photo.

He was a sergeant in the armed forces, but not long before the attack, he had been medically discharged for having lung cancer. He died several weeks later, which was hard for us all.

But, why was he with Theo's dad?

Oh my god, what if Theo knew who I was beforehand and that's why he was to kill me? That sick fucking asshole!

"I didn't know they knew each other; my dad didn't have many friends that we met." I shrug in response, not really having much more to say as I start to look through paperwork too.

Thomas lifts his head and stares at me, smirking.

"What are you staring at, Edison?" I tease him, not taking my eyes off the table, the corners of my mouth curling up.

"I'm happy. With all the fucked-up shit that's happened. I'm somehow..." he looks for his words. "...happy."

I knew he would take last night the wrong way. I'm not ready to throw myself into a relationship, I'm happy to see how it goes with us, but not too fast.

He playfully slaps my ass and pulls me down on his lap when I don't say anything. His lips brush against mine and I pull back, eyes trained on his while he looks confused.

"Zara?" I hear a Scottish accent yelling my name from outside, then I heard it again, closer.


"Fuck, Thomas. It's Theo!" I jump up and run out of the tent before he could say anything back to me.

I ran as fast as I could to those gates, tripping over my own feet when I see him, blood dried in over his face, hand gripping a notebook.

"Zara, babe. You need to get the fuck out of here, now!" He begged me, voice breaking.

When I reach him, anger wins me over and my fist flies between the metal bars and collides with his nose, knocking him back.

Jesus fuck, that hurt.

I try shake off the pain in my knuckles as Theo holds his face. I fully expect him to snap, but he looks lost.

"I think you should leave Theo; nobody wants you here," Thomas said behind me, hand on my hip and pulling me back.

Theo doesn't even acknowledge him as he keeps his eyes on mine, his face paling more by the second.

"Please, Zara. Take this and run." He ignores Thomas and slips the book through the spaces of the fence; his eyes don't drop from my angry glare.

"We know about the wall, Theo. We know everything." I snap at him, throwing the book on the ground. "I'm sure you had a hand in the making of that, too. You can fuck off."

He screws his face up as his finger curls around the bars, coming closer as Thomas yanks me back. "A what? What fucking wall? I don't give a fuck about some wall, just pack your shit and leave."

I shook my head, heart pounding in my ears to see him so broken, begging me, reaching out to me.

But then he looks behind me.

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