Best summer ever - Roman x Virgil & Logan x Patton

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"Is this it?" Virgil whispered to his twin, but the driver responded for him. "It is, get out" he demanded and the boys were quick to listen, not without burning holes into the back of his head for daring to talk to their brother like that-

Protective twins.

"You're here!" The woman grinned brightly, hurrying to them in her wellies, getting a good look of the two who were the same height yet dramatically different in looks, they weren't so identical. "My boys should be here soon...the morons let Pink out the stable" she shook her head, watching as the driver took the boy's suitcases and bags out of the trunk, leaving them rather rudely on the dirt floor.

"He seems friendly" she sarcastically commented, walking over to talk but he shut his car door and drove away before she could even say a word.

"A cunt" she sighed, whipping around when she heard a yell of happiness.

"WE GOT HER!" she heard one of her sons yell, the youngest by minutes coming around the cottage with a grin on his face and mud covering his overalls. "Roman got her!" He continued, gesturing to his twin who rushed after him, extremely out of breath yet grinning from ear to ear, Pink wedged between his arms comfortably.

"Oh! Take her to the barn before she wriggles away" she swatted at her children but they were already curious about the two young strangers picking up bags and suitcases. "Who're they?" Patton wondered, Roman tilted his head then gasped. "Is it then!? They're here already!?" He exclaimed and their mother pressed a hand to her face - sighing out in misery.

"Yes, boys, I've been telling you all morning!" She exclaimed, they both giggled shyly. "Sorry, mama!" Patton excused, ready to skip on over and introduce himself but Roman let out a yelp as he stumbled, almost falling over but managing to catch himself. It seemed Pink waited for nobody and was dramatically bored of being held - now she was scampering away again, screeching loudly.

"NO!" the farm-boy twins yelled, falling into a quick sprint after her. "Boys, boys, it's no use!" Their mother tried to stop them but they were gone again and she was done with her children for the tenth time that day. A usual occurrence. Unfortunately.

"Sorry about them" she sighed to Virgil and Logan who watched the whole thing with a risen eyebrow. "It is fine, although it seems they should have better experience with that pig" Logan commented, now it was her turn to raise her eyebrow, putting both hands on her hips. "Now listen here city-boy, pigs are hard to handle, experienced or not. Especially Pink, she'd do anything for freedom. Now let's show you to your rooms" she smiled again and led them to the house, but it was blatantly obvious she was a protective mama over her kids. Only she could insult them.

"Unfortunately we don't have any guest rooms" she began after giving them a short tour of the bottom floor, "it's my room and the boys room. Now yours, too" she explained, pushing open the door that led to the large, attic bedroom. It stretched like a rectangle from the doorway, with two double beds at either ends, and chests at the end of each. Plus two desks opposite each other, both messy - one covered in colourful drawings, the other with pieces of paper sprawled with notes and writings.

"Are we...sharing beds?" Virgil questioned, his privileged ass had never need to share a bedroom before, let alone a bed. His lonely comfort stripped away from him. "Yep! Oh!" The lady turned to them with a bashful smile, "I'm sorry - call me Dana" she introduced, shaking both of their hands hurriedly. "Now while I find my idiots, you get settled in" she closed the bedroom door while leaving, the twins giving each other a glance.

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