Chapter 2

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Eva looked back to see Katsuki joined by two of the guys in their class. She sighed and continued her way through the city. She then started to hear someone screaming, it sounded like Izuku, she flew up and saw him on the roof with some random man. 

"Izuku?" Eva asked as she flew over to him. " Is everything alright? Who is this man?"

"I think All Might's imposter," Izuku trembled as she sat on the top of the latter.

" I'm not an imposter," the man sighed. " You know how the guys at the pool are always suckin' in and flexin' and tryin' to look buff?"

" Not really, I don't really go to the pool," Eva denied as she pointed at her wings.

"Well, I'm like that," All Might said.

"This can't be real!" Izuku exclaimed. " No. I'm dreaming. All Might's a giant of a man who saves everyone. He defeats all obstacles and wins the day with a fearless smile."

" There's plenty of fear behind that smile," All Might sighed as he took a seat against the railing. 

"So what happened to you, Mister?" Eva asked. " You look like you've been hit by a train."

"Something like that," All Might smiled. " I'm counting on you two to keep your mouth shut. Don't go talking about this online or telling your friends." Despite being in the human world for ten years at this point, Eva still struggled with technology a bit.

"Huh?" Izuku breathed as All Might lifted his shirt. He revealed a big hole in his body. It was bruised badly. Both of the kids gasped. " Pretty gross, right? I got this in a big fight five years back. My respiratory system was basically destroyed. I lost my whole stomach. All the surgeries have pretty much worn me out. And it can't be fixed. Right now, I can only do hero work for about three hours a day. The rest of the time, this is what I look like."

" No way," Eva breathed. " Five years ago?"

" So does that mean it was the fight with Toxic Chainsaw?" Izuku asked.

" Wow, you know your stuff," All Might complimented. " But no. The punk may've landed some hits but he couldn't bring me down."

" So what fight was it?" Eva asked.

"Most of the world has never heard of this fight," All Might answered." I did everything I could to keep it under wraps. I'm supposed to be the guy who's smiling, right? I'm the Symbol of Peace. People everywhere have to think I'm never afraid." He looked at his head. " But honestly, I smile to hide the fear inside." He clenched his fist. " It's just a brave face I put on when the pressure is high. This job isn't easy. Proheroes are always having to risk their lives. Some villains just can't be beaten without powers. So, can you be a hero? Not without a quirk." The two both gasped, it must have been hard for Izuku to hear. He was All Might's biggest fan.

" I see..." Izuku trembled. All Might stood up. " If you wanna help people there are plenty of other ways to do it. You could become a police officer. They get crap because the heroes capture most of the villains. But it's a fine profession." He opened the door to go downstairs. " It's not bad to have a dream, young man. Just, make sure your dreams are attainable. Realistic. Understand?" He then closed the door and headed down. The two remained silent, nothing Eva could say would make anything better. They then heard a loud rumbling. In the distance, they saw a huge dark smoke cloud rise.

" A villain!" Izuku gasped. " I wonder which hero will show." He started running and then stopped.

" I can fly us over there," Eva offered.

"No," Izuku said. "Walking will be fine." The two then started their way over. She was over that way earlier, nothing seemed too bad. She then froze for a second; grabbed Izuku and took off flying towards that direction in a hurry." I said walking was fine!"

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