Heroes Rising

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On Nabu Island, the Class 1-A students were doing a Hero Recommendation Project; a program set up by Principal Nezu; being All Might's idea. According to Aizawa, they were completely on their own with no teachers or pros to back them up. At the moment; Eva was down by the beach getting a kite out of a tree. Shoji was a lifeguard; Tsu would swim out each time someone got in trouble. Tokoyami, Dark Shadow, and Sero were now putting up a warning sign to not go swimming past the rocks.

"We didn't come to this place to put on a show," Todoroki said as Eva delivered a kite to a kid.

"Hey, Shoto!" a shop guy called. "Think you could maybe whip me up some more ice?"

"Sure," Todoroki said; he produced a boulder-sized block of ice. "Is that enough?"

"Are you kidding me?" the guy asked. 

"Weren't you the one saying that we aren't here to show off?" Eva asked as she looked over; Shoto looked at her sheepishly. 

"Hey, Violet Gust!" a person called; she looked over. "One of the turbines has stopped working, do you think you can?"

"On it," Eva smiled; she then took off. As she worked; she could see her classmates going above and beyond to help out...Katsuki wasn't helping much. He said he'd help when a real villain came around; so he was at the UA Hero Agency office. Soon everyone was back at the agency in their regular clothes and wiped out. Eva sitting on the windows fanning two ice chunks on either side of her; blowing cold air through the building. 

"I'm exhausted," Sato groaned.

"We've gone Plus Ultra beyond what's allowed by the Labor Standards Act," Kaminari said. 

"Hey, uh. How 'bout fewer smaller jobs?" Sero asked, raising his hand. 

Ida looked from the table; he was sitting on the sofas with Yaoyorozu. "No can do! All jobs are equally vital." Todoroki slid between Eva's wing and the window, plopping down next to her. 

Yaoyorozo got up. "It may be true that we came here as heroes, but remember we're still jsut students." They all looked at her. "We have to work hard and prove ourselves to earn the islanders' trust."

Mineta raised his hand. "Hey, uh, does that go for all of us, 'cause I know someone who hasn't done anything since we got here." He pointed at Bakugo.

"Well, somebody's gotta stay behind and watch the office, moron," Bakugo defended himself. "What're you gonna do if a villain shows up while all you geniuses are out doing stupid crap, uh?" He gave a thumbs down. 

"Oh, come on," Kirshima smiled with his head on the table. "There aren't any villains on this island." The door opened; they all looked over to see the townspeople; they all had trays of food.

"Sorry for barging in," the Mayor apologized. 

"Mr. Mayor," Ida greeted; taking a tray.

"It was so sweet of you to carry Granny to the hospital earlier. Thank you." Yaoyorozu ran over as well.

"And thanks for fixing that old bike of mine," an older woman said; the people all started to walk in.

"And our battery!" said Mr. Matsuba.  

"And for keeping the beaches safe, too!" two girls said.

"And for fixing the turbine!" a woman added. 

"Freshest fish on the island right here!" a man informed. 

"Just a little something to show you how grateful we are that you're helping us," Ms. Suzumra said; they organized the tables setting down food.

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