Chapter 38

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The weekend came around Eva was now at the hospital with Aizawa, visiting little Eri.

"How is the festival coming along?" Eri asked as she sipped on juice.

"Very well!" Eva chimed. "You are going to love it for sure!" Eri stared at her. "Hm?"

"I was wondering, why don't you glow like the others?" Eri asked. "I know it's a silly question."

"Not at all," Aizawa denied. "You are just being curious." Eri looked at him then looked at Eva.

"Did bad men take away your glowing?" Eri asked.

"Not at all," Eva denied as she tapped on her ring. "It just can be a bit distracting towards others, I want everyone in the class to be able to do well." She pulled her ring, and Eva's whole body glowed naturally. Eri stared at her in amazement. "Would you like an apple?"

"Yes, please," Eri nodded.

"I can cut that up," Aizawa as he pulled up his chair to the bed. 

"Thank you," Eri said as she put her drink down, she stared at Eva even more. "Your wings were like hers."

"Hm?" Eva asked as she tilted her head.

"I remember a very kind group of good people," Eri answered. "One had wings like you, and red eyes like you as well."

"Tilly?" Eva asked, Eri nodded. "She was my aunt."

"I'm sorry," Eri apologized as tears formed in her eyes. "She died because of me."

"That's not true," Eva denied. "It's as Lemillion said, we all fought to see you smile, even Aunt Tilly." Eri looked up at her. "Knowing my aunt...she loved you deeply. She does not regret anything." Eva wiped the tears from the little girl's eyes. 

"Love?" Eri asked.

"It's deeper feelings," Eva answered. "It comes in many forms."

"Eva," Eri breathed. "Do you think I can ever have wings?"

"Possibly," Eva nodded. "They take time to grow, and when they do, you will be flying over the moon."

"The moon," Eri repeatedly softly.  Eva pulled out a flower that was wilting as Aizawa finished cutting the apples, he looked over as Eva used her magic to make the flower healthier.

"For you, princess," Eva said as she put it in the little girl's hair. 


On the ride home, Eva was silent for a bit. Her ring was back on, so she wouldn't glow around the other strangers. 

"Yuki," Aizawa began. "Your family, how involved were they with that group?"

"Some members from my mom's side, some from my dad," Eva answered. "The ones that remained after the forest incident." 

"Who taught you that magic?" Aizawa asked.

"It was always within me," Eva answered. "I was just taught how to use it to the best of my abilities," Aizawa grunted as he looked out the window. 

"I just didn't expect someone close to you would also end up being close to Eri," Aizawa said. "If she remembers how nice Aunt Tilly was, then it's more likely Eri will open up to you. Which is what we want. How sure are you that you know that your aunt loved Eri?"

"She died for Eri the same way my mom died for me," Eva answered. "She died for a human was a deep love." Aizawa looked at Eva, this time Eva was looking out the window. He realized that Eva was not freed from the harm the humans had placed on her, the same way Eri wasn't completely free from the hold Chisaki had on her. These two were going to need each other.

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