Chapter 27

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After the fight, they met up with Yaoyorozu and Todoroki. They changed back into their normal clothes. The six of them took Katsuki to meet the police. The whole way there, he was silent. It was strange. He even let Eva pick at him for injuries. Then they finally went home. 

Upon entering the home, she was greeted by a large hug from her dad.

"Daddy!" Eva cried burying her face into his shoulder.

"I'm so happy you are home," Her dad said as he hugged her tighter. "I should have been here before you left."

"I've missed you," Eva said softly as she hugged him tighter. 

"Get some sleep," Her dad said as he pulled back. "It looks like you've been up all night, did Izuku keep you up all night again?"

"Something like that," Eva answered. She felt her pants being pulled on, she looked down to see three baby raccoons. She looked over to see two more baby raccoons climbing on their mom. "How did you--"

"Found them," Dad answered. "These awful humans kept them in an abandoned house, barely feeding them, neglect, horrible treatment."

"Good thing you brought them to a haven," Eva said as she bent down picking up one, the momma raccoon looked up. "You are safe now." She scratched behind the ear, the baby raccoon cooed so cutely. The other two made sounds, putting their hands in the air, wanting to be picked up as well. 

"I saw the news about All Might," Dad said as they went over to the other raccoons. "He's going to have a rough couple of days...but he's tough."

"Yeah," Eva nodded. After taking care of the raccoons for a bit, Eva got some sleep. She got woken up in the middle of the night by a phone call from Katsuki.

"Come over," Katsuki said once she answered the phone. "Just come in through the window." He hung up the phone before she could say anything. Eva got up, then silently slipped out the window, going over to Katsuki's house. When she arrived, Eva saw that Katuski's window was opened.

"Katsuki, "Eva breathed as she entered the room. He turned around before he could respond, Eva was pulling him into a tight hug. "I am so sorry. I'm so sorry for letting them get you."

"You idiot," Katsuki grunted as he gently pushed her off of him. "You complete idiot, Eva." He was looking down as he had a hold of her shoulders. "There was a time and place to come to my need, you should have left this to the pros."

"I was so worried about you," Eva said. "It was my fault they got a hold of you. You were in their grasp for days, did they hurt you?"

"I'm fine," Katsuki grunted. "Shigaraki wouldn't let them touch me until the end." He looked up with tears in his eyes, Eva rarely saw Katsuki like this. He normally never let others see him cry, he said it made him seem weak. "You should've left it the pro dammit...You almost died, why would you go putting yourself back in danger?"

"You're my best friend," Eva said as she gently touched his face. "I love you greatly."

"Dammit," Katsuki cried as he fell to his knees, he pulled her down with him. "You damn idiot." This time he pulled her into a hug. "You know that I love you as well?"

"Yes," Eva breathed as she hugged him more. It wasn't romantic love, but they had a strong bond. 

"If it wasn't for the damn silver, I doubt they would have gotten me," Katsuki said. "Those damn bastards knew your weaknesses."

"All that matters is that you are okay," Eva said as they pulled away from each other. She wiped the tears from his eyes. "Even though you were screwed, you held your own pretty well against those six. You are going to be one amazing hero people can rely on, as they relied on All Might."

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