Chapter 41

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A new school day came, Eva was walking to class with Shoto; he was telling her all about how his father was recovering from the fight with the Nomu. 

"Hey!" Izuku greeted them once they entered the class. "Is Endeavor doing okay?"

"Yeah," Todoroki answered. "Sounds like his condition isn't serious."

"Oh, wow," Izuku smiled. "So glad!"

"Guess you can be pretty proud of your pops, huh?" Mineta asked. They all looked as Shoto stared at the ground. 

"Yes," Todoroki breathed. "That's true." Everyone made their way to the seats.

The door opened again. "Right, the bell already rang, so--" He stopped to see everyone was already seated. "Okay..." He went to the center of the room. "It's time to stop playing around and be more serious. Things get harder from here. Even though you only have provisional licenses, you've been given the certification to act as heroes in an official capacity. Or at least, most of you have. Two of you remain in supplemental courses." Bakugo looked away in annoyance. "From this moment on, we'll be kicking your training up a notch. So be prepared. Now, then. For today's homeroom lecture--" Alarm blared; red lights filled the classroom. 

"Emergency drill, emergency drill!" a Nezu robot voice announced. "Hypothetical villains have infiltrated UA High School grounds. Assistance from Hero Course Class 1-A requested." Everyone got up. "Please change into your hero costumes and report as soon as possible."

"You heard the announcement, everyone," Iida said as he stood up. "Let's do this!"

"Yeah!" Everyone agreed; soon they all quickly got ready; everyone gathered on a rooftop, and in the distance, there was a ton of smoke.

"At the moment, our tactical information is limited,  but we know that villains have infiltrated Ground Beta," Iida announced. "Even if this is only a drill, we will carry out this mission as though lives are on the line.

"We need to understand the situation better," Yaoyorozu added. "Reconnaissance squad, if you will."

"We're on it," Jiro assured. 

Koda stepped forward giving a loud whistle. "Bird friends, please look for damaged buildings and people in need. " Eva flew up as Jiro stuck her ear jack onto the ground.

"Northeast, 900 meters out," Jiro reported. "Something's definitely going down!"

"I can confirm smoke from an explosion in that direction," Shoji reported. "A building collapsed near the river. It's currently ablaze. I don't see any villains here."

"Roger that," Ida said. "Our foremost priority is to put out that fire."

"I can help with that," Yaoyorozu offered. Mina and Eva forced Mineta down as Yaoyorozu opened her suit to activate her quirk. She produced a large wagon. "No time to waste. We need an extinguishing squad to race to the scene. Ingenium?"

"Shoto," Ida said. 

"We've got this," Shoto assured. 

"I'll join as well," Tokoyami offered.

"Me too!" Sato said as he went with the others.

"And moim" Aoyama winked. 

"Oh no!" Koda gasped. "Someone got swept away by the river!"

"A victim?" Eva asked. 

"It's our turn now, Violet Gust and Grape Juice," said Froppy. "We'll save them." He stood up quickly.

"Rescue squad and Extinguishing Squad moving out!" Iida announced. Everyone got into place; Iida took place at the front of the wagon; everyone else but Eva got in. 

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