Chapter 17

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It took about ten minutes for Eva to get to the agency. It was placed right before a forest, the building had a rectangle bottom half, but the top was circular, with a large antenna pointing on on the top. She took a big breath, she walked through the doors, so many people were inside. Some asking for help, sidekicks. The walls on the inside were decorated red, and the floor-designed carpet was fake grass, except for a strip of tile that led to the front desk.

"Hello," Eva greeted walking up to the front desk, it was a person with two arms. The person lit up. " I am here from UA for an internship."

"The boss should be on the top floor, she is waiting for you," the lady said. "We are happy to have you a part of the team for a week."

"Thank you for accepting me, it truly is an honor," Eva smiled before going to the staircase. It was a good four flights of stairs, but Eva wasted no time, flying right up to the top. 

"Welcome!" a woman shouted once Eva opened the door to the top floor. The woman had a red shirt with black dots. The shirt had long sleeves, with openings for her shoulders. Her skirt was leather, with tights underneath and combat boots. She had short red hair, that went slightly past her chin, and yellow eyes. She had black antennas and ladybug wings, they were closed at the moment. Along with black gloves with opened palms. It was Snow Bug. "You really wowed us at the sports festival.

"Thank you," Eva breathed as started to follow the boss around the place. The top floor was amazing, she could see everything due to all the windows. They had a sunroof, and vines everywhere. 

"Thought I make this a place more bug and winter-like," Snow Bug. "Tell me, why did you choose this agency?"

"The Snow Drop Agency works with battle and rescue," Eva answered. "I want to work along with heroes in both situations. Also, the flight." Snow Bug laughed clapping her hands together.

"You have your suit, right?" Snow Bug asked. Eva nodded. "Good, go get changed, then meet me by the diving board." She pointed across the circular room, there was indeed a diving board, but no water beneath. Eva nodded, she went to the changing room, opened her case, and saw a note from Hatsume.

'Made a few changes to your costume, you are going to love it!' - Hatsume. She looked to see pilot goggles added to her suitcase. She got dressed, lastly putting the goggles on her head. 

"Nice goggles!" a voice complimented once Eva stepped out. She looked over to see a person with blonde hair, black eyes, bee black stripes on his arms. He wore black baggy pants, tight around the ankles, with combat boots. He had a see-through dark yellow shirt, with a skin-tight skin protector. Around her shoulders were storage back things. He had spikes all around the top of his head, a bee tail, a stinger, and bee wings. "The name is Stinger, my quirk, Sting! I can shoot out stingers to immobilize my opponents."

"So cool," Eva breathed. "What is up with the diving board?"

"To face an issue with our flight," Stinger answered. "Snow Bug is brilliant for this! It helps with those who fly and don't fly!"

"Violet Gust, I am happy to see you have met one of my sidekicks, Stinger," Snow Bug clapped her hands together. "Now we are going to fix an issue I saw in the Sports Festival and a new move." 

"An issue?" Eva asked. "A new move?"

"You never seemed to straight down, always at an angle," Snow Bug answered. "As for the are able to control how the wind comes out, a full blast or a scythe."

"Right," Eva nodded.

"I can make snow come out of any certain part of my body," Snow Bug said as she held up her feet, and snowballs started to form. "Have you ever tried to make the wind come out from the edge of your wings?" Snow Bug touched the outline of her wing.

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