Chapter 31

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Not long after Eva fell asleep, she woke up to the sound of her door opening. She could see someone using a flashlight.

"Shoto," Eva groaned as she sat up. "Why are you here?" He closed the door.

"Something's on my mind, so I came to you," Shoto turned to look at her. "What that Inasa said, my father's child."

"Of course you are," Eva said as she rubbed his eyes.

"That's not what I wanted to hear," Todoroki admitted. "May I?" Eva nodded. He got under the sheets, then the two laid back. "I can't escape it."

"Being your father's are still you," Eva said turning on her side to look at him, he did the same. "Your father is Endeavor and your want a different path than what he has planned." Todoroki looked at his hand. "DNA is what makes you two separate people."

"All I'm trying to avoid seems to be catching up to me," Todoroki frowned.

"Then confront it," Eva suggested. "We use distractions all we want, but at some point everything we avoid will add up, becoming one our biggest enemies." She put a hand on his face. "The worst villain you can face is yourself. The more you run, the further you will be at peace with yourself."

"The further I am at peace with myself," Todoroki repeated. "What that is supposed to mean exactly?"

"Heroes need to be strong," Eva said. "Not just in skills but in the heart as well." She put her hand over his heart as well. "Inasa was going off about passion during the exams. You need both passion and strength."

"Where does your strength come from?" Todoroki asked.

"My heart, but also the will of my people," Eva answered. "Especially of the dead. We are striving towards making things better for us, I want to make it better for them, and I want to make it better for people. Even some of the villains." Todoroki's eyes widened. "Shigaraki is trying to mold our society and make us see the cracks we flying over. All these new heroes can help fix problems that the older generations of heroes have caused."

"I think I am understanding," Todoroki said.

"Katsuki told me something that Best Jeanist told him...heroes and villains are cut from the same cloth," Eva informed as Todoroki moved a little closer to her.

"I want to make sure I can get my hero license," Todoroki said. "Can you train with me, help me confront my past."

"I can train with you," Eva said. "But confronting your past is a personal journey, all I can do is provide support like everyone else."

"Thank you," Shoto breathed as he pushed her hair back, he felt her ear. "You must be proud of getting your license."

"Pretty happy," Eva admitted. "How are you feeling though?"

"I understand," Todoroki answered. "Instead of focusing on the task, it got turned into a competition. I have a lot to learn, even more, though it sets me back."

"Not everyone's hero path is going to be similar," Eva said as Todoroki twirled a strand of her hair in his fingers. "Some are obviously going to be more difficult than others. No matter how many setbacks, it's important to not give up. And with these supplementary classes, you and Katsuki will be able to get your license."

"It'll be hard but we can handle it," Todoroki said. "With the support of our friends and hard work, in no time we will be semi-pros as well." He scooted much closer till their chests were touching.

"Shoto," Eva breathed as she felt her heart flutter a little.

"If I'm too close just say so," Todoroki said as he played with her hair a little bit more. His eyes trailed to the tapestry behind Eva. 

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