Chapter 58

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While everyone was dealing with the fact that Izuku left UA in April, in a discreet area in a cavern in the cave; Eva stayed in a large circular room divided into two; one side held all the equipment used to dissect Eva; poking around her body including the table. The other side was more for a living area, with a couple of large flat stones, a tall circular wooden bathtub for washing up, a mirror, and a couple of other things. Eva was strapped to a 30-degree slanted operating table. Toya, Skeptic, and Spinner were in the room on standby. The moment she opened her eyes she saw Skeptic, Toya, and Spinner staring down her. 

"Look the sleepy-headed finally decided to join us," said Toya leaning closer. "Rise and shine."

"I'll go get the boss," said Spinner exiting the room.

"Where am I?" asked Eva.

"You aren't getting out even if we tell you," said Skeptic; he became irritated his laptop wasn't working as well as before.

"How long have I been out?" asked Eva.

"About two days," answered Skeptic as Eva went to sit up; she didn't get very far; her arms and legs were chained to the table. Eva laid back down. "You are stuck with us." She looked to see her wings had been strapped and locked away in waterproof, quirk-proof material.

"Consider yourself lucky we are letting you live so far," said Toya. "Villain or hero; you are nasty work to deal with."

"I have a couple of questions for you." They looked to see Shigaraki at the door; Eva saw iron horseshoes in the doorway.

"You truly went to the extent to keep me here," said Eva. Spinner entered the room with Shigaraki.

"My question is why can't your power be transferred to others?" asked Shigaraki ignoring her statement.

"It's a quirk the same as the others," answered Eva.

"Not that power," said Shigaraki as Toya put a hand on Eva's stomach; he pulled the gown open in that section and then pulled apart a cut revealing the gold and white glow. "That power; why can't I read or take it." Eva remained quiet; she saw two ghosts standing on the other side of the doorway.

"I'm guessing two people died from it," said Eva.

"What makes you think that?" asked Spinner in alarm. 

Shigaraki stood beside the table staring down at her. "Even just a little bit was enough to make someone go blind, how come?"

"Quirk or quirkless; the human body won't be able to handle my life force," answered Eva. "Putting it into someone's body sends it into overdrive in other words short-circuiting it."

"How come you were able to transfer energy to the heroes on the battlefield?" asked Shigaraki.

"Magic works in mysterious ways," answered Eva. "Why did you name it the Paranormal?"

"Fitting for a bunch of villains," said Shigaraki. "Wouldn't you think?"

"But all of you are human," said Eva. "And alive." All of them, but Toya left the room; he was circling the table, Eva's eyes followed him as went around four times. 

"I know what you are thinking," began Toya straddling her around the hips. "How can that little masterpiece's older brother be so mad? How can he be so ruthless?" He started laughing. "It shouldn't be hard for a smart insect like you to figure out." He put his hands on Eva's abdomen; pulling it apart to see her life force. "I'm not kind like Shoto and have no desire to be." He lit up one finger, and stuck it in the gap; Eva's toes stretched out trying to not react loudly to the pain; the blue flames created a gap between the magical energy. "Don't even think about trying to kill us."

Wingsजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें