Chapter 29

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The day came for the test, it was taking place at National Dagoba Arena. They all stood outside, staring at the building with the cases.

"Ugh...I'm getting kind of nervous," Jiro admitted.

"I wonder what they're gonna make us do," Mineta said as he bounced around. "Ugh. What if I can't get my license?"

"Mineta," Aizawa said bending to his eye level. "Don't ask if you can. Say you will."

"Right. Sure. I've got this!" Mineta panicked even more.

Aizawa stood back up. "If you can pass this test and get your provisional licenses, then you novice eggs will hatch into chicks. You'll be semi-pros. I expect your best."

"All right," Kaminari smiled. "I can't wait to be a heroic chicken."

"You seem excited, Yuki," Tsu noted as she looked up. Eva had hold of her feet as she was spinning in the air.

"When I pass this test, I will be the first fairy to ever be semi-pro, which means I'm a step closer to being the first fairy hero pro," Eva answered. "I am so excited!"

"Getting our license is going to be so sweet!" Ashido squealed happily.

"I will win the judges over with my mag-ne-fiq power," Aoyama said as he clapped his hands together, the rest of their class went a bit more happy and confident.

'Thank you, Yuki," Aizawa said as he to himself.

"Let's call out the usual, you guys!" Kirishima encouraged. "On my mark...Go Plus..."

"ULTRA!" Kirishima shouted at the same time as another. Eva stopped spinning she looked over to see a tall passionate guy, with a hat on.

"Y'know it's pretty rude to barge into other people's huddles like that, Inasa," a guy with purple hair said.

"What? Pardon me," Inasa apologized. "I am so...very...extremely...sorry!" He slammed his head into the ground.

"Who is this guy?" Kaminari asked as some of the class sweated. "I do not trust his enthusiasm."

"It's passion, not enthusiasm," Eva corrected. "I think it's great."

"I still do not trust it," Kaminari said turning to her. "And you shouldn't either!"

"Hey, look at their uniforms," Jiro pointed out.

"They're from that famous school on the other side of Japan," Sero added.

"UA in the East. Shiketsu in the West," Katsuki said.

"I wanted to say it just once," Inasa said as he stood up. "Plus Ultra! See, I really love UA High School! I am extremely honored to compete against such incredible students. I am so looking forward to it." Blood started to come out of his head.

"Oh. Blood," the girl said looking over at Inasa.

"Let's go," Shishikura ordered as he walked away. The other two students joined.

"Inasa Yoarashi," Aizawa mumbled.

"Do you know that guy, Mr. Aizawa?" Hagakure asked.

"Indeed," Aizawa answered. "He's strong." All the students gasped. "He's the same year as you all and received the top scores for students admitted through recommendations. But for some unknown reason, he turned down his acceptance to UA and went to Shiketsu."

"Wait. He's...our age?" Izuku asked.

"Before I go!" Inasa exclaimed as he popped over to the ground, he grabbed Eva's hand. "You are the very first fairy I have ever met! I am so happy we finally got to meet!"

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