Chapter 10

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Everyone listened carefully to what Midnight was saying, but Eva had to keep in mind that she could also be a target, just not as big as Izuku.

"A cavalry battle!" Midnight continued to explain. "Those of you at the top will suffer the most. Of course, that's something you'll hear over and over again at UA. Show us what Plus Ultra means! Izuku Midoriya placed first in the qualifier. He'll be worth ten million!" They turned to look at Izuku with determined looks again. "First years! These are the rules that you'll abide by The game itself will last fifteen minutes. Individual points values will be added together to reach your team total. Everyone will know how much you're worth thanks to your headbands. Swipe as many headbands as you can to raise your team's score. Stolen headbands must be worn from the neck up. So the more you steal, the harder it'll be to manage them. And another thing--Even if your headband gets stolen or your team falls down, you can keep playing until time's up. Also due to the odd number of people, teams can have five if they wish."

"It's anyone's game, then," Yaoyoroz gathered. 

"And since there are 43 contestants, there'll be ten or 12 teams fighting on the field the entire time. 

"Sounds hard," Aoyama trembled. 

"So, if you lose your headband at the beginning, you have more time to make up a plan," Mina said.

"I dunno, Mina. Maybe we should wait and see how the teams turn out before we start strategizing," Tsu advised. 

"This is going to be rough," Midnight warned. "You may use your Quirks as much as you like. But there are still rules. Make a team fall on purpose and I'll slap you with a red card. You'll be disqualified!" Bakugo grunted looking away angrily. 15 minutes appeared on the clock. "Now, you've got 15 minutes to build your teams. I recommend you get started."

"EVA!" Bakugo exclaimed grabbing onto her shoulder. "You and me! We can take all these losers down with just the two of us! Let's take out Deku together! Todoroki as well!"

"We still need two or three other people," Eva reminded him. 

Katsuki growled. "I got the boom and you got the flight, we'll be fine."

"We gotta be aware of the other classes," Eva warned. "Didn't it seem odd that they weren't too on top reaching the finishing line first?"

"Huh?" Katsuki tilted his head.

"You two should team with me!" Sato shouted running up to them.

"No, you definitely want me by your side," Mina pleaded. 

"I don't wanna beg, but please," Aoyama trembled. A bunch of people surrounded them, mainly from their class. 

Eva opened her mouth; Katsuki put a hand over it. "Wait, remind me what your Quirks are again. And your names."

"You're kidding!" Mina exclaimed. "We're your classmates."

"Can you really be that self-centered?" Sato asked.

"Bakugo! Eva!" Kirishima shouted, he waved his hand walking over to them. "I was gonna try Todoroki, but he already picked a group. So, hey! We should team up."

"Hey, Dumb Hair," Katuski greeted. 

"My name is Kirishima!" He exploded. "And my hair's not that different from yours. You wanna be the rider, right? So you're gonna need a strong front horse who won't be hurt by your blasts? That'd be me." He hardened his arm. 

"We need someone with guts," Bakugo responded. 

"My Quirk was made for this!" Kirishima exclaimed. "I got you covered, man! Let's go charging into battle together."

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