Chapter 22

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The day came for the students to be heading off to the summer camp. Classes A and B were outside the school doors receiving instructions before getting on the bus. 

"Now that you've finished up your first semester at UA High, it's time for summer vacation to officially begin," Aizawa announced. "However...Don't think these will be months of rest for you heroes-in-the-making. At this camp, we'll push you to go beyond your limits. You're aiming to become Plus Ultra."

"Yes, sir!" Everyone responded. 

"Are your wings ready?" Iida asked flapping his arms.

"Uh, yes," Eva answered. "As for your engines?"

"They are ready to take a beat down," Iida answered. "Perhaps then we can see who is the fastest!"

"When it comes to land, it's you," Eva answered, Iida, looked at her questionably. "Plain walking can be quite difficult." She touched the back of her head, she closed her eyes. 

"Fear not!" Iida exclaimed as he chopped the air. "This camp will have you strutting in no time!"

"Let's not forget about that swimming regimen I have for you!" Yaoyorozu gleamed clapping her hands. 

"Joy," Eva gave an uneasy thumbs up and a scared smile. 

"I heard some of Class A is taking extra courses," Monoma said, they all looked over at him. "Does that mean they actually failed the final exams? That must be so embarrassing! Especially since you are supposed to be so much better than my class. All of you must be wallowing in shame!"

He stopped the moment Kendo hit him on the head. "Don't mind him."

"Monoma's scary," Yanagi said. 

"Oh," Eva smiled as she looked at the other class. "The rest of Class B!"

"It's nice to see you outside of the sports festival," Tokage said. "I guess now we're not technically rivals."

"Time to get on the bus," Kendo announced as she looked at her class. 

"Okay!" Tsunotori and Yanagi responded. 

"The girls of Class A and Class B," Mineta said with excitement. "It's like a buffet of bombshells!"

"Dude, get yourself together," Kirishima ordered. "For real."

"Attention, Class A, our bus is here!" Iida announced as he waved around his arms. Eva backed up to avoid getting hit. "Everyone line up in seating order!" Soon they were on the bus heading to camp. Katsuki slipped motion sickness pills into Eva's hand before going further back. Eva sat on the end of a three-person row, of Jiro and Yaoyorozu, who happily grabbed onto her wing, Todoroki did the same on the other side of the walkway. 

"Here's the deal," Aizawa began. "We'll be on this bus about an hour before our stop. Make sure you stay focused." He looked back at them.

"Why aren't we blastin' some music?" Kaminari asked. 

"No one should be standing!" Iida yelled at Aoyama. "That is a safety hazard! Please stay seated! Keep your wings in the aisle!" Jiro and Yaoyorozu began to show Eva swimming videos, some music started to play. Izuku sat in front of her and Bakugo sat diagonally back from Eva, he couldn't help but notice how much she's changed since joining UA. She used to never let people touch her wings, but now she's letting more than one person hold on to them. "Don't open that window!" It was thirty minutes into the car ride when Eva felt a large pain on the top of her head, she gently touched her head.

"Something the matter?" Jiro asked.

"It's just my head," Eva assured.

"I'm sure if you asked nicely Todoroki can make some ice for you," Yaoyorozu said putting her hands together. " I will get a cloth ready."

WingsOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant