Chapter 25

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At a hospital near the training camp, Eva was out for two days, they had to get blood from her other realm, to transfer into her body. When she woke up, everything was blurry at first. She looked over at the bedside table to see Mango juice and a note from her dad. She slowly sat up and touched her back she could feel her wings coming on even more. She had so many questions, as her brain tried to wrap around everything. The last thing she remembered was Katsuki's face. 

The door opened, and she looked over to see a doctor walking. "Good, you are awake." Eva opened her mouth. "I understand you have questions, but first we need to take off a few things." After a few tests, she was allowed to speak. She noticed the doctor had wings...fairy wings. 

"How did I end up here?" Eva asked.

"Your training camp was attacked," the doctor answered as he wrote on the clipboard. "One of the villains struck you five times with silver, one in each limb, and one through the back, getting stuck on the bridge of your chest. You are very lucky the burning was put to a stop before it reached your heart."

"Are my classmates still at camp?" Eva asked.

"No," the doctor answered uneasily, he then caught her up to speed tears were rolling down her eyes. So many of her classmates were injured, some in the hospital...Katsuki was gone...the villains had won. "Evalina..we've spoken with your father...we believe that it might be best for you to return to the Otherworld and stay there."

"What?" Eva asked looking over. 

"This world is too dangerous," the doctor said. "It's not safe; it hasn't been for a long time."

"Please, let me stay a bit longer," Eva requested. "If there is a chance I get to see Katsuki again...I..." The doctor sighed. "Please, he is someone I care deeply about, just a bit longer." The doctor sighed again.

"I hope you know you are doing," the doctor said. "We will keep you here for another day before discharging you, your clothes are on that chair. We did our best to wash the blood out of the top." Eva looked over a chair as the doctor left. She saw pants that belonged to her, but the button-up shirt, she did not recognize. She then looked down at her shirt, she saw the spot a piece of silver extracted, then out the window. She slowly laid back down, all she could think of was he classmates, mostly Katsuki.


When they were five years old, Katsuki was trying to help Eva relearn to fly.

"It's just like this, Eva!" Katsuki exclaimed as he flapped his arms. She flapped her wings just as he was doing with his arms, but nothing. 

"It's pointless," Eva sighed as she looked at her wings.

"Don't say that!" Katsuki yelled at her. "Keep trying and believe!" He grabbed her wrist. "I can't be the only one believing in you!"

"Huh?" Eva asked looking at him.

"Not everyone believes in fairies, it would be pretty bad if a fairy stopped believing in fairies," Katsuki explained. "With more belief, you'll be flying in no time!" He then grabbed onto her shoulders. "When flying again, it'll feel so cool! Like my awesome quirk!"


They were now ten, Eva was at the Bakugo house, and she and Katsuki were outside playing catch.

"Man, I wish we could've gone to the Sports festival," Katsuki said as he hit a ball. 

"Why do you want to go so bad?" Eva said as she flew up catching the ball, before throwing it back at him. "It's just a bunch of--"

"Inspiring heroes!" Katsuki interrupted as he hit the ball. "One of these days, I will be the one in that arena! Number one as well! Everyone will be cheering my name! A step closer to surpassing All Might! To being Number One!"

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