Chapter 39

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It was now the night before the festival, they were getting in one last practice at the gym. Eva was sitting on the stage getting some last-minute dance practice. 

"We'll have to clear outta the gym soon!" Kirishima said. "But we should have enough time for one more run-through!

Mina started to clap her hands. "Look alive! And one, and two, and three. And one, and two, and three. And pose! Then Aoyama goes to the center and Midoriya and Yuki book it offstage."

"Oui," Aoyama said.

"On it," Izuku said at the same time as Eva nodded. 

"Midoriya. You're still lacking passion," Ashido scolded. "So bring the fire!

"Roger!" Izuku responded. 

"I was scared we were going to seem like amateurs," Sero admitted. "But things are looking good. The band and dance teams are stepping up their games and putting in the work. Guess it helps that Ashido's a merciless coach."

"Yeah," Kirishima agreed. "Dancing's her thing so she's taking this seriously. I think Bakugo fired everyone up. And that just the band members."

"I'll admit, I am getting a little nervous," Yaoyorozu panicked as she pretended to play the keyboard.

"Hey, don't improvise during the actual concert," Jiro instructed. 

"Huh?!" Katsuki asked.

"It's just, not everyone can keep up with you," Jiro said, 

"Why you gotta drag me like that, Jiro?" Kaminari asked. 

"I don't think you're the only one she's talking about, friend," Tokoyami said as he put a hand on Kaminari's shoulder. 

"We need you up on that catwalk like, yesterday, so hurry," Ashido urged. "When Aoyama's in place, get him in the air."

"Wee!" Aoyama smiled as he got pulled in the air. 

"That's it! Perfect!" Ashido cheered. 

"It's already 9 o'clock!" Hound Dog shouted as he busted the doors open. "Students should've cleared out of the gym by now!"

"Crap," Kirishima grunted. "Let's beat it." They then quickly made their way out of the gym.

"Hey, hey!" Ashido smiled as she tapped Eva. "Can you fly me home? Come on! Please!"

"Sure," Eva laughed.

"Yeah!" Ashido cheered jumping into Eva's arms. "Go fast! Speed! Whooooo!" 

"Me, too!" Tsu called out. "Bleh!" She shot out her tongue, wrapping it around Eva's waist. 

"Careful!" Jiro exclaimed. "Just don't get hurt before tomorrow."

"You dumbasses, get back on the ground," Katsuki grunted.

"You just don't wanna lose," Eva said looking at him; a lot of the class grew shocked.

"WHAT?!" Katsuki shouted looking at her. "I can beat you any day!"

"Sure you can," Eva grunted as she started to go higher. 

"BRING IT WINGS!" Katsuki demanded as he got into a starting position. 

"We can't use our quirks!" Iida shouted as he chopped at the air. "Do you want to be on house arrest again!?"

"Hang tight," Eva said to Ashido and Tsu.

"We are going to win!" Ashido cheered.

"Like hell! I'm not losing this race to you, Wings!" Katsuki argued as he jumped on Iida's back. "Move it legs!"

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