Chapter 42

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After warming up and getting changed; Eva joined her class at ground beta for exercise. Eva made a few changes to her suit to combat the cold. Her halter top now had long sleeves; with her back remaining open. The bands on her arms were now designed to hold rescue equipment including the giant extendable bug catcher.

"I can't believe we are already back at it!" Hagakure cheered as she danced around. "Aren't you excited?"

"Yeah," Eva nodded.

"Don't you get cold like that, Hagakure?" Jiro asked.

"Yeah," Hagakure laughed. "I'm freezing."

"But ya got guts," Jiro complimented.

Ashido slid into view. "Check out my winter outfit. Isn't it, like super cute?"

"It's lovely," Yaoyorozu complimented. 

"I didn't realize that the temperature dropped so much," Ojiro admitted. 

"Everyone's costumes have changed since we've started school, haven't they?" Iida noted. "They've adapted just as we have!"

"You're a champ," Sato complimented. "I'm surprised you lasted through the summer in all that gear."

"Kacchan's is different, too!" Izuku noticed.

"HUH?" Katsuki grunted. "If you've got something to say, then say it to my face, nerd! WHILE I'M BLASTING YOURS!" 

"How does it work?" Izuku asked. "Do the gauntlets come equipped with a heat generator? Since your sweat glands are used as weapons, it's a really smart modification to combat the cold, I'm impressed!"

"STOP PRAISING MY SUIT!" Katsuki yelled.

"Yours may have changed the most out of everyone's, Midoriya," Ojiro pointed out. "How much new stuff do you have on?"

"I had to upgrade because I learned some new moves," Izuku answered. "The gloves are definitely going to come in handy. Actually, these are the 2.0 versions. Hatsume made adjustments to the original design that made them even stronger."

"She's incredibly talented," Ojiro commented.

"Bad thoughts!" Urakaka shouted punching her helmet.

"What are you doing?" Eva asked. 

"Look who we have here," Monoma greeted; everyone looked to see Class B walking toward them. "Relaxed and full of yourselves, as always." Tumbleweed blew past. "Obviously you underestimate us."

"There you are!" Kirishima smiled; punching his hand. "We've been lookin' forward to this."

"Ha!" Monoma laughed. "Is that so? I'm not sure why. There's no way you stand a chance against us in this exercise. Come on, Class A! Let's see who's best once and for all!" He suddenly pulled out a piece of paper. "You might wanna take a closer look at this survey. I took it at the festival and it's enlightening! I asked what was better: Class A's pathetic attempt at being rock stars, or Class B's superior play! Aw, what's this? We won by two votes?" Eva took the paper to look at Jiro, Kirshima, and Sero surrounding her. "You guys have been hogging the spotlight ever since we started school! But your standing around campus is trash!"

"Seriously?" Kirishima asked. "Did we somehow blow it at the festival, you think?"

"We made Eri smile," Eva said. "That has to count for something."

"Now, finally!" Monoma cried. "It's Class A versus Class B! Our first joint combat training! You're finish--" He got caught off by Aiawa's scarf strangling him.

"That's enough," Aizawa ordered.

"Stranglehold!" Awase shouted. 

"Today, there will be a special participant," Vlad King announced. 

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