Chapter 35

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The next morning, Eva was getting ready to go into Otherworld with Mr. Aizawa, she was her Otherworld clothes. This time she had worn a lilac dress, with straps on her shoulders, and the dress went down to her knees.

"Remind me what the rules are again," Mr. Aizawa said as he scratched the side of his face. 

"Do not call them fairies, called the Fair Folk or Good people," Eva instructed. "If you are unsure just ask. Don't try to force them to give you its name. Names are very important and hold power, avoid giving your name, so use your hero name, just don't trick them. Don't say thanks, say I really appreciate it, something along those lines. Don't wonder, don't eat the food unless I give it to you. Also, don't treat them as lesser, it's better to be treated as equals. The Fair Folk aren't very trusty right away, especially towards humans."

"Let's get started," Aizawa instructed. Eva nodded, she put her hand on the tree in front of her, and an outline appeared along with a door handle, on the door was a turner, Eva turned it to the section of the Otherworld they would be heading. Once they entered the world, the door shut right behind them. As Aizawa took in everything, Eva took off her ring. Everything was much bigger in the fairy realm, off in the distance was a large rainbow, it was right before a mountain, and the top of it was hidden by dark clouds. He noticed the flowers next to him were much larger. 

"Eva!" a voice chimed, Eva looked over to see a man. He had yellow eyes, long purple hair tied back, very pointy ears, and pale wings. Uncle Takahiro, one of her dad's brothers. Eva's dad had 7 brothers and 6 sisters while her mom had 6 brothers and 4 sisters. Altogether it was a big family without including the older generations. 

"Uncle," Eva greeted. "I brought this for you." Eva held out a snow globe.

"Wonderful," Her uncle smiled; he glanced at the man. "And this is?"

"You can call me Eraser Head," Aizawa said. "I am Yuki's teacher at school."

"You are here to ask about the Chie Hassaikai, correct?" Uncle Takahiro asked. "Come inside." Eva stayed behind her teacher, as they were led into a tree stump. Upon entering the house, Eva saw two of her cousins, one was trying to strangle the other with vines, and the other was throwing little balls of fire, they were about 10 and 12. The vine was from a little boy with purple hair purple eyes, and pale wings. The other was a girl with black eyes, pale bluish-purplish hair, and green wings. 

"Dottie, Connie," Eva sighed as she flew over to them.

"Eva!" the two greeted as they looked over at her.

"Dad said you were coming," Connie said. "Look, my license." He showed her a certificate for him to go take teeth. 

"That means you get to come into the human world more," Eva said. "How about you Dottie?"

"I am choosing a different path than taking teeth," Dottie answered. "School is boring anyways."

"She failed the entrance exam twice," Connie teased.

"Hey, we are about to have a serious conversation," Uncle Takahiro said. "You two get lost."

"Yes Dad," the two responded before leaving the house.

"Sorry about that sir," Eva apologized as they went to go sit at the table.

"No need to apologize," Aizawa assured as he put his hands up. "Let's get started. Chie Hassaikai, your niece said all the fairies left."

"It was when the horrible human started to make calls without the boss's clearance," Uncle Takahiro answered. "He would take good people behind closed doors, and they would never be seen again. Blood and tears were payment for our protection, but this jerk was draining us of them. "

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