Chapter 15

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Eva was now back in the stands, she was sitting in her spot. She sat between Izuku and Yaoyorozu. Everyone in her wingspans was gently holding on to her wings. 

"The first match of the semifinals!" Present Mic exclaimed. "Both come from hero families, making this a battle of elites! From the hero course, Tenya Iida! Versus...His classmate, Shoto Todoroki!" The two stared at each other intensely. "Start!" Todoroki opened it with his ice move, and Iida ran around it. Shoto blocked him from going further with more ice. "Iida's been surrounded!"

"Come on Iida," Eva encouraged as she sat up more. 

"Todorokis going in for the win already!" Present Mic exclaimed. 

"Whoa!" Urakaka gasped as they watched Iida jump up. "A standing long jump!"

"Eva," Izuku said. "Can you--" She opened his notebook and jotted down a note on Iida's page.

"Recipro...Burst!" Iida exclaimed he slammed his leg, and Todoroki ducked. He jumped and kicked Todoroki on the back, slamming him to the ground.

"Look at the speed!" Present Mic shouted. 

"That was a heavy hit!" Sero shouted over the gasps of the classmates around him. 

"I didn't know he could kick like that," Kaminari sweated.

"Iida has many aces up his sleeve we don't know about," Eva said. Todoroki spread more ice on the ground. Iida grabbed the back of Todoroki's jacket, then sped to the other side.  He suddenly gasped; he looked back.

"My muffler's blocked!" Iida exclaimed. "When did you--?"

"When you kicked me," Todoroki answered as he froze Iida. "I've mainly been showing off ranged attacks today. You forgot I could do precision moves, too, didn't you?" Todoroki stood up. "I was trying to dodge your Recipro. But it was too fast to avoid, even for me."

"Iida has been immobilized," Midnight announced. "Todoroki advances!" 

"Todoroki moves on to the finals without even using his flames again!" Present Mic exclaimed. Eva saw that Todoroki was staring at his left hand.

"Poor Iida," Izuku breathed softly. 

"I'm sorry brother," Iida whimpered.

"How are your burns?" Urakaka asked looking over at Eva as Todoroki was melting his opponent.

"They are fine," Eva answered.

"And your wing," Yaoyorozu asked. "Will you have to go through another shedding stage?"

"It was a slight burn, nothing to make them shed," Eva answered. Soon they were moving on to the next fight.

"And now, Bakugo versus Tokoyami!" Present Mic announced. "Bakugo's vicious rushes are unstoppable!"

"That thing is so damn annoying!" Bakugo growled as he ran trying to keep his distance from Dark Shadow. "Die! Loser!" He slammed an explosion onto Dark Shadow. 

"Such brutality," Tokoyami grunted.

"Tokoyami has advanced this far with an almost unbeatable Quirk. But this time, it looks like he's on the ropes!"

"What is that bird brain doing?" Mina demanded. "He attacked super hard when he was up against us!"

"There must be a reason," Yaoyorozu suspected.

"Dark shadow," Urakaka breathed. "He can't go on the offensive because of all the light. This matchup couldn't be any worse."

"Most people don't know about his weakness," Izuku added. "Kaccahn may not have figured it out yet. "

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