Chapter 26

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The kids walked away from the interview not wanting to waste any time on their pursuit to save Katsuki. They now stood kiddy corner from a building.

"Okay, this is the spot the tracker is broadcasting from," Yaoyorozu said. 

"So that's their hideout?" Kirishima asked. "Not a bad one, I guess."

"Maybe it is and maybe it isn't," Eva said. 

"According to the tracking history, the villain hasn't left this location for the past day," Yaoyorozu informed. "But that's all we know. One villain is hiding here, but that could be it. They could have Bakugo somewhere else. We're going into this operation completely blind for the most part. Please try to proceed logically."

"I don't like this," Iida said. "None of us are good at sneaking around. We need Hagakure and Jiro here. If I think things are going to be the least bit dangerous, we're done. I won't hesitate to call the police either. To make sure my friends are safe."

"Thank you, Iida," Izuku said. "So, what can we do with what's in front of us? Let me see here." He went into his muttering. "The prerequisite is that we don't use our Quirks to fight the villains, and on top of that, we need to figure..."

"It's been a while since I've seen him this weird," Kirishima noted. 

"Yeah, this is truly peak Midoriya," Yaoyorozu added as Eva felt the bands holding her wings together snap. It ripped right through the dress, hitting both Iida and Todoroki and making them fall over. 

"Sorry," Eva apologized as she forced her wings down. 

"I figured that would happen," Kirishima said as he tilted his head. "I got this just in case." He pulled out a long jacket, as the other two got back to their feet. 

"Probably should've just gone with that in the first place," Yaoyorozu sighed. "I just thought she'd looked so much hotter like this."

"Thanks," Eva blushed at Momo's comment as she removed the other jacket. "Thank you, Kirishima."

"Just looking out for you the way Bakugo would," Kirishima said as he put the jacket over her shoulders. "Since he's not around, someone's gotta step up till we get him back."

"Are you two alright?" Yaoyorozu asked. "Todoroki? Iida?"

"Yeah," Iida said as Todoroki nodded. "It was unexpected, I guess that is what we get for tying her wings together." They made their way over to a vending machine, Eva was back to holding onto Iida's arm. She was supposed to be his arm candy. 

"We've gotten pretty close, but I haven't seen anything move inside," Yaoyorozu said. 

"And not a single light is on, "Kirishima added. "It doesn't look like anyone's home."

"They're hiding this lair in plain sight," Todoroki said. "It looks like any other abandoned warehouse."

"Nobody would think twice about what's inside," Eva added. "It's clever."

"The weeds under the front door are thick and undisturbed," Izuku noticed. "There must be another way to get in. Maybe someone's Quirk is hiding it. We can't just enter carelessly. It could be a trap. If you could just see inside somehow..."

"Hey," a drunk man greeted, and two more drunk men walked up to them. "You lookin' for a real man, darlin'?" 

"We're good," Yaoyorozu squeaked.

"Ditch these losers and come drink with us," the man encouraged.

"Come on," the other man laughed. He hit the shorter guy on the back of the head. "Don't go pickin' fights."

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