Chapter 13

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Everyone stared down at the two, the tensions between the two were intense. Iida and Urakaka were petting her wings in complete nervousness. 

"Begin!" Present Mic shouted.

Todoroki immediately sent ice to Izuku. "Smash!" His middle finger lit up. As soon as he flicked, the ice broke into numerous pieces. It went right towards Todoroki, the crowd gasped at the cold air. Everyone saw that Todoroki had an ice wall behind him. 

"Whoa! So cold!"

"Feels like this wind is gonna freeze me solid!"

"Wow!" Present Mic yelped. "Midoriya managed to break Todoroki's insane opening move!" 

Todoroki sent more ice toward Izuku. "Smash!"

"He countered again!" Present Mic shouted over the breaking ice. 

"Let's continue," Todoroki declared, he took a step forward, sending more ice. Izuku countered it with another smash Urakaka had Eva's wing pulled up to her. Eva couldn't help but notice the ice falling onto her wings, it was so cold. Suddenly, a blanket appeared out of nowhere.

"Your wings are keeping us warm," Yaoyorozu said as she zipped up her jacket.

"Thanks," Eva breathed with a small smile, she turned back to the fight. Izuku had five broken fingers, this was not going to end well for him. Eva also made herself keep a close eye on Todoroki just in case she had to face him. 

"Oh, no, crap!" Kirishima exclaimed as he rushed down the steps. "I'm missing it!"

"Hey, nice job making it to the second round, Kirishima," Kaminari complimented. 

"Thanks, man," Kirishima smiled. "Looks like I take down Bakugo next." 

"I'll kill you," Bakugo declared.

"Heh. Yeah, sure. In your dreams," Kirishima smiled more. "No, but seriously. It's crazy how you and Todoroki both have moves that blast the whole stadium!"

"Yuki as well, probably!" Sero added.

"Must be pretty nice," Kirishima continued as he threw his arms in the air.

"Plus, you don't have to pause between attacks," Sero continued. 

"It's not as easy as you think, ya morons," Bakugo said calmly. 

"Hm?" Kirishima asked as some of the class looked at him.

"If you overuse your muscles, you risk tearing them apart. If you sprint too much, you run out of breath," Bakugo explained, he looked at one of his hands. "Quirks are physical abilities, too. They can get worn out. You can't just use them nonstop."

"It makes sense when you put it that way," Kirishima admitted. "I wonder if that's how Midoriya thinks he's gonna beat Todoroki."

"You want an endurance match," Todoroki quickly gathered. "But I'll end this quickly."

"Smash!" Izuku shouted, countering Todoroki's ice again. Blood splattered from one of his fingers. Todoroki started to run towards Izuku spreading ice as we went.

"Todoroki withstood Midoriya's power and is now rushing his classmate!" Present Mic commented. 

"No!" Izuku shouted as he flicked one of his fingers that he had broken in the fight with Shinso. Todoroki jumped over the attack Izuku got out of the way. Making Todoroki slam his fist into the ground. He looked up, immediately sending ice towards Izuku, trying to capture his foot. Izuku sent a punch into the ice, the aftershock was powerful. Todoroki was thrown back, he managed to stop himself from going outbounds with a blockage of ice, and Izuku let out a yell of pain.

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