School briefs 3

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***Moving into the dorms***

It was a few days before they would be moving into the dorms. At the moment, Eva was trying to pack as well as care for the baby raccoons, plus the mama. She was in her room, packing her hammock into a box, that also held books and hobby items. One of the baby raccoons was licking the window, the other two were asleep on the bed with the mama. Eva was wearing shorts and one of Katsuki's old tank tops. Suddenly there was a knock at the door. 

"Can you get that?" Dad asked. "My hands are a bit busy."

"Yeah," Eva agreed as she went over to the front. She opened the door, and to her surprise, she saw Fuyumi and Shoto Todoroki. "Oh, hello. Lovely to meet you again."

"Your dad invited me over!" Fuyumi informed. "Helping me with decorations to put in my classroom. I brought Shoto along, hope you don't mind."

"Not at all," Eva denied, she looked back to see the raccoon licking the window earlier, was now practically skipping down the hall, with a small pillow in its mouth. "I hope you don't mind raccoons."

"Not at all!" Fuyumi assured as Eva let the two inside. 

"Are you excited to be living in the dorms?" asked Fuyumi, they took off their shoes.

"Quite nervous," Eva admitted. Todoroki looked around the place, it was like walking into a forest. 

"Don't be!" Fuyumi said as Eva led them down to the kitchen. "You are going to love it!"

"Dad, the Todoroki's are here," Eva informed as they entered the kitchen, the baby raccoon was playing around in the fort they put up. She saw that her dad was trying to put together a little house. 

"Oh good!" Dad smiled as he looked up. "Welcome to the Yuki house! Sorry for the mess!"

"Don't apologize," Fuyumi said as she clasped her hands together. "We have two different lifestyles." They heard a crash, they looked over to see the baby raccoon had knocked over a few things.

"I'll go put him with his siblings," Eva smiled as she went over. The baby raccoon was more than happy to be picked up.

"Don't be rude," Fuyumi said. "Go help your classmate."

"Right," Todoroki nodded as he followed Eva to her room. 

"I'll be in the kitchen!" Fuyumi informed as she sat at the table. The two adults got started on the projects. Shoto was surprised to see all the raccoons in Eva's room. As soon as Eva placed one down, another woke up. The little creature was making grabbing motions and opening its mouth.

"Hungry," Eva gathered. "You aren't going to be here forever you know. Just till you are back on your feet." The raccoon chatted back. "Lucky you are cute." Eva then left the room, and Todoroki looked around the place. He was staring at the pictures on the table. First day of U.A. photo with Midoriya, and Bakugo. Eva's family members including her mom. "Sorry." She reentered the room.

"Hm?" Todoroki asked as he looked back, he saw the hungry raccoon climb onto Eva, who had a bottle with her.

"So are you going to the dorms? " Eva asked as she sat on her chair. 

"The bastard grumbled when he learned about the implementation of the dorm system," Todoroki said as he sat on the end of her bed. Carefully, not disrupting the other raccoons. "He'd agree to let me go, due to not being in the mood to argue about smaller matters since he can no longer achieve surpassing All Might. You?"

"Dad was against it," Eva answered. "After rescuing Katsuki, he wanted to leave the human world, and just have us live in the Otherworld." Todoroki gasped. "The human world is dangerous... But All Might was able to talk my dad into it." This made Todoroki smile, putting him at ease.

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