Chapter 50

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After another long day of patrol; Eva now stood on top of Endeavor Agency staring at everything down below. She's been thinking about Raisa's words to her; the connection between her heart and body. She closed her eyes focusing on the inside of her body. She stood on the edge; held out her wings and then dropped; when she got too close to the ground she flew up to the top. She did it over and over; until someone grabbed her by the shirt and yanked her inside through a window; she found herself staring at the ceiling. 


Eva glanced to see that Bakugo was now staring down at her.

"You've always had quick reflexes," Eva said as she looked back at the ceiling.

"DON'T IGNORE MY QUESTION!" Bakugo shouted. "Why the hell were you free falling down the building?" 

"I was working on my flying," Eva answered. "It's why I stepped into the Otherworld earlier."

"You aren't going to be able to do it if you don't rest like you should be moron," Katsuki scolded; he grabbed the front of her shirt lifting herself off the ground. "Go to sleep." In seconds she was on the bed under a blanket and Bakugo was next to her with his back facing her. 

***Bakugo's Memory***

Back when they were four; Bakugo was playing with friends as Izuku mainly sat alone.

"Alright class!" the teacher said grabbing everyone's attention; they all saw a man with wings; he was floating. "We have a new friend joining us!"

"He seems a little old to be a preschooler," a student said.

The man looked down; then behind him. "Go on, Eva." Behind the man's beg a little girl with purple hair and red eyes poked her head out a little; only showing one eye. "Don't be shy." The little girl fully showed herself; she had gold wings and was floating like the man she hid behind. 

"Friends; please welcome Eva Yuki," the teacher instructed.

"I'll be back for you when the school day is over," the man said; before the girl could say anything the man flew out.

"Now, Eva we have a strict rule of no Quirk use in school," the teacher said; the little girl looked at her. "We are all friends here." Eva touched the ground; she looked around eyes landing on Izuku; she started to walk forward but quickly fell over, and everyone started to laugh at her.

Bakugo's body moved without thinking; in seconds he was standing in front of Eva. "The name Katsuki Bakugo." Eva slowly looked up at him. 

"Since you are being so friendly today, please buddy with Eva today, Katsuki," the teacher instructed putting hands together." The boy held out a hand and Eva stared at it unsure of what to do.

"You can trust me," Katsuki said. She got up on her own and started to walk only to fall over again; this time Katsuki caught her. "Clumsy one, aren't ya?" 

*Memory changes scenes 

It's been two weeks since Eva joined the school and she hasn't said a word to anybody even her next-door neighbor Deku; she sat at the same table as Katsuki and did everything silently. Everyone was sitting around for story time; Eva sat in the back as far from the teacher as she was allowed to.

"Why don't you talk at all?" Katsuki asked as he scooted back to her; she remained focused on the teacher. "Are you that stupidly shy?" 

"Katsuki," the teacher said. "Quiet during story time or you'll lose a point."

Bakugo jumped to his feet. "DON'T YOU DARE TAKE A FUCKING POINT FROM ME!"

"KATSUKI BAKUGO!" the teacher scolded getting to her feet. 

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